Friday, August 31, 2007

Future longhorn?

I used to always joke that I was going to put sugar water on my baby's fingers to make them suck them to make hook 'em horns. Well.........Carter did it on his own in the bath tonight. Is this a preview to his future college choice?

Thursday, August 30, 2007

Play Ball!

Carter went to his first softball game on Tuesday. He had fun watching Daddy's team win big!

Monday, August 27, 2007

Bathtime=fun time!

Today I took the sling out of Carter's bath that holds him up. Everytime I would sit him up he would scoot himslf down into the water like on this video. It was so funny!

Sunday, August 26, 2007

Teething, talking, and hair

Carter has started
on everything!
Anything he picks up
goes straight to his mouth.
He is also constantly drooling.
We are on the lookout for a tooth!
This shirt is true.
Thanks to Uncle Colt
for picking it out!

Giving the cow a kiss..........or a bite
Carter's hair has fallen out. That is except in the back. It looks like he has a mullet! Kris thinks we should shave it and start over again! :) I hope it does something soon!

Carter's other trick is talking ALL the time. We can't wait until we can understand what he is telling us! Doesn't he look like he is pleading to me about something?

Let's get this started

I am going to try to start this blog because I have been sending TONS of pictures out, and am afriad that I may be driving everyone crazy! This way I can post pictures and everyone can look at them when they want. I am going to try to update a couple of times a week- lofty goal I know, so mark the blog as one of your favorites, and stay tuned!