Sunday, July 31, 2011

Weekly Recap!

I am going to preface the blog with the fact that I just spent forever typing the blog out, only to publish it and for some reason all the things I typed weren't on there. I have NO idea why and I am sooooooo mad!!!!
Anyway, as I typed before and it got deleted, this week did not start off good. Carter woke up Sunday morning throwing up and was still feeling bad on Monday morning. We hung around the house Monday morning, but by the afternoon, he was feeling better, so we went over Jessica's to see her new house. After we left her house, he was still feeling good, and was hungry, so I took him to Chikfila. He inhaled his whole kid's meal (which he threw up the next morning, yuck!).
Hanging out watching movies as he wasn't feeling well.
Abby hanging out in the swing.
Here is Abby sleeping on her playmat. I put her there to play and the next thing I knew she was asleep!
On Tuesday, Kris came home from work feeling sick. Carter was feeling better, so we ran some errands so Kris could have a quiet house. While we were out, Carter got a new Spiderman mask. We went to MacDonald's to eat/play and he wore his mask to play and had everyone calling him Spiderman, too funny!
He had to sleep in his new mask of course!!
Wednesday was our anniversary and we were both sick! I started feeling bad late Tuesday night and was miserable when I woke up Wednesday morning. I was so happy that Abby was sleeping late. She slept all the way until 11.....I kept checking on her, but she was sound asleep. When she finally woke up, I went in and she didn't smile at me- then I knew something was wrong. I picked her up and she threw up. It was so sad. Poor thing! She threw up several more times during the day. Through all of it she was so good. She just laid on her Boppy so still. She didn't even fuss, just either slept or sat there looking around. I spent the day watching her (and feeling bad) and let Carter pretty much entertain himself. At one point I walked into the den and the jug of milk was on the coffee table. I asked him why, and he said he was thirsty so he got some milk (he was drinking out of the jug!).
By Thursday we all felt much better. I knew I had to get Carter out of the house after they day he had before! We decided to meet my mom and Colt at Celebrity Bakery.
Carter had a yummy cookie after his lunch!
Abby loved looking around.
I bought Colt a double chocolate cake ball.
Afterwards we went to the mall to let Carter play on the playground. Of course he had to wear his Spiderman mask! At one point I looked over at Carter and he was talking to a little girl with his arm flexed asking her to feel his muscle!
Carter loves to climb on the mall playground!
On Friday we met Shawna, Corbin and Gage at Chickfila. Afterwards we went to my school to finally clean out my room. I have had everything boxed up, I just hadn't moved it yet. Both Shawna and my mom came to look through the stuff I was giving to CCA for their classrooms. I am so glad they came because I needed the help. The school was SO hot, my thermostat said 85. It was awful and to top ot off, the janitors had moved all of my things, so mothing was sorted so I had to go through everything! I wish I had a picture- we were all red faced and dripping with sweat, Carter took his shirt off he was so hot. We had to take 3 trips out to our cars (using a huge cart- it was pretty comical trying to get that thing in the elevator!) and in the end we had one trip to CCA and then 3 cars full of stuff. I am still trying to figure out where to put things in my house!
After all that work we needed an ice cream cone from Braums!
Colt got a Peanut Butter Sundae
When we got home I was unloading my stuff from the car and Carter comes out and says, "I didn't know I could undo all the straps on Abby's carseat. I didn't know I could do that." I walked in and found her all undone.....thank goodness he didn't try to get her out. I really can't leave him alone with her, mercy!
Then that evening I had to take a few pictures for some friends for their save the date and had to take Carter and Abby since Kris had poker. I told Carter if her was good, I would get him a snowcone. He was good so we got a yummy snowcone from the Snowcone Lady! (See my new stroller, I love it!)
Carter chose yellow and blue.
It was still hot outside at 8:30pm!

Then on Saturday Kris and I celebrated our 9 year anniversary. I took some pictures on my phone, but they never look good on here! Kris got us a nice room at a Bed and Breakfast downtown. It was so pretty. They we spent some time walking through the Dallas Musem of Art and had a wonderful dinner at Nick and Sam's. It was fabulous and the perfect ending to the week!

Thursday, July 28, 2011

15 weeks

This week....

Abby has started grabbing things. She is still working at it and doesn't have it perfected, but she is able to grab onto things. She often times takes out her paci, and yesterday I watched her try to get it back into her mouth, but she couldn't quite do it.
She is a mama's girl! She will often cry when other people hold her.....then turn it off as soon as I am holding her again.
She still LOVES her baths! Tonight I took out the sling in the tub and she loved it. SHe would stretch out her legs in the water and watch them as she curled them up and stretched them out again. She also scootched herself down in the tub so her ears were under the water and she liked that too.
She has started sucking on her bottom lip. I am afraid that means that a tooth might be coming in.....hope not!
Abby smiles all the time. she gives the best huge open mouth smiles.
Abby got sick for the first time time this week. It was the saddest thing. She got a stomch bug that we all got and she was throwing up and everything, She was so good, not even fussy even though she felt horrible.
On that same note, she really hardly ever fusses or gets upset. The only time she really gets upset is if she is left out of site of smoeone for too long (this includes car rides) or if she is really hungry.
She still loves her "Superhero" big brother, though today I had to say the words, "Carter did you put a key in your sister's mouth?" She's going to be a tough girl!

Sunday, July 24, 2011

Just because....

She makes me smile!

Weekly recap

We had a busy week! Tuesday Erica invited us over! The kids had so much fun playing! I wish we lived closer so we could do it more often. Carter didn't want to leave. He was in toy heaven!
Gage and Carter. Carter LOVED these Batman wings. He kept saying, "My wings keep hitting everything."
Carter is really into dressing up!
Erica and Abby
Wednesday we went swimming with Cade!
Little fishie!
Cade and Carter swimming.
Sonic ice cream from the ice cream truck!
Messy face!
Nap time trial with a lovie.....she likes it! I can't believe that I will put this baby to sleep in her crib wide awake and she will put herself to sleep!
Shopping on Thursday! Carter brought Firey with him!
Carosel ride!
Firey rode too!
Swimming at Sharon and Drew's on Friday!
Abby wore her pink swimsuit!
Dinner at The Purple Cow on Friday! I got a rare picture with my sweet girl!
Me and my babies!
Abby and Uncle Austin!
Carter and Colt.
Watching the light show!
Playing his iTouch
Ma and Abby
Did I mention she is such a little trooper? I love this girl!