Thursday, October 23, 2014

This moment in time

I feel terribly guilty that I have let this blog go.  I love looking back and it and I feel so bad that I let so much time go between posts.  So, for now, in this random moment in time, here is a bit about my loves....
Carter is 7 years 5 months.  He loves Minecraft, non fiction books and Colt.  He is the sweetest guy and loves to please.  He is the sweetest with his baby sister and is easily annoyed by Abby.  He still loves to make believe and will play with Abby.  Today they were pretending like they were driving first to
Colorado and then to California.  When they arrived, they went into Carter's room because it was their hotel room.  I came in and Cartee had on his baseball cap, watch and was sitting down having a picnic with Abby.  At school he says he plays with Cartee Harrison and that they girls chase them.  Sometimes he says they play soccer.  
Abby at 3 years 6 months is totally
Into imagining.  You will find her talking to herself and in her own world. She loves dolls and stuffed animals.  She is totally girly and loves to wear dresses.  She loves to go shopping and will say, "Oh my gosh, this is so cute" when she see something she likes. She wants to be like her brother and does everything he does...she is jealous of her sister. She loves to go go to school and wanted to go every day.
Ellie at 11 months is a mess!  She loves to walk around with her walking toy.  I say she looks like one of those old ladies with their walker.  She is very verbal and says: dada, mama, all done, uh oh, thank you, thereheis, will pant if you ask what the dog says, claps on command, can pony to her hair and will find her Bevo if you ask where it is, she will also find her baby doll.  When you say "be sweet"!she lays her head oh your shoulder and says awwww.  She also gives open mouth kisses. 
These days are precious and I am so thankful I am able to stay home to see them.  I feel so blessed!