Wednesday, July 1, 2015

Ellie at 20 months

I can't believe Ellie is getting so close to 2!  Time is going by tok quickly.  She is growing and changing so fast!  Here are some things about miss Ellie at 20 months!
*he verbal abilities blow me away.  She is able to tell me what she is thinking most of the time. Some of my favorite things she says are:
-hold you
-baby sleepin- she loves to play with dolls and put them to sleep and gives them bottles.  The other day her pajamas had monkeys on the feet with their eyes closed and she pointed and said "monkey sleepin"
-all done
-here!!! And wants to hand you something
-sleepy- and she will want to go to her bed and sleep
-buckle me (when she wants unbuckled)
- Ellie do it
-llllllaynie- I love the way she says colts girlfriends name- she does her tounge so funny
-*she is obsessed with the movie frozen and loves Anna and Elsa.  She loves to sing let it go and knows the last word of every verse and the hand gestures.
*she can identify all the basic body parts as well as hew knee, shoulder and fingers.
*we are working on colors.  She used to day everything was pink, but now she is much better.  She almost always gets yellow right, and sometimes blue and purple.
* she is so affectionate and will pay your back, initiate hugs and kisses and say "love you" all on her own.  If I say I love you sooooooo- she will say much 
*at Disneyland she didn't like the characters unless she was waving "bye bye" to them. 

Sunday, June 21, 2015

Little chatterbox

Ellie's vocabulary just blows me away!  She is always talking!  She loves to refer to herself as "Ellie" and if she wants something she will point to herself and say "Ellie" or "Ellie have it" 
Tonight she saw a picture of Kristen with a bird on her shoulder and she pointed to her shoulder and sit "bird, shoulder" she loves to do everything Abby does and loves to sing.  She loves baby dolls.  When she is tired she will tell me "sleepy"

Tuesday, May 26, 2015

Whoo hoo!

Ellie went tee tee in the potty tonight! :)

Friday, May 15, 2015

Ellie at 18 months

18 months is one of my favorite ages.  I love to see the new things Ellie leans and picks up on every day.  Here are some things about Ellie at 1.5 years old.
*she loves Elsa- she used to say it "All-ah" but in the past few days she has started to say it right.  The other day at the store she saw an Elsa dress and she got really excited and said "Elsa" and the stated singing "goooooo".
*she wants to do everything Carter and Abby do.  She will follow behind them and try to copy what they say.
*she loves to swing.  She loves for me to push her back in the swing and I saw "one" and she says "two" then I say "three" and I let her go and she shrieks!
* she talks alllll the time! Some of my favorite things she says are:
-buckabee (unbuckle me)
-hold you
-whyyyyyy- when you ask her to do something often times she says "why??" Even will
Use the hand gestures.
-yes!!! Very excited 
-no!  Said her authoritative 
-roni ( her favorite food macaroni and cheese)
-nack (snack), wadoo (water)
-love you
-brush teeth
-ummmm- when she is trying to decide something- like picking out a paci- which she calls her ni-ni)
-love you
-wet (when she spilled water on herslef)
-pants, shoes, sock, bow, diaper
-hands, feet, nose, head, hair, eye (she was sick a few weeks ago and kept telling me her "eye hurt" turns out she had strep and prob had a headache)
-Abby, Ellie (looks in the mirror and days Ellie and tonight she wanted something and she kept saying Ellie to let us know she wanted it), bubba, mommy, daddy, hampbell(Campbell) huddy (Hudson) colt,
Cody, pops, ma, Meemaw, wig-wee (wrigley)
She says so many words I couldn't write them alll down and communicates ber well.
*she can open doors and does
It all the time!
-she loves to go up and down steps, the big slides at the park and to climb.  She is cautious yet brave.
- she loves to color and draw/write on things. 
*she knows her way around the iPad and IPhone.  For about 2 months she has been able to turn the phone on and find the icon for pictures and look at them.  Now she can also turn the camera on and point it and say cheese and take a picture.  She also can find the music icon and then the frozen soundtrack on.  Her favorite game on the iPad is "Find My Fish" and if you tell her to she cab scroll though the apps just to find it.
*she is really good at simple puzzles.
* she still loves to read and will sit in that chair and look throug books for a good 20 minutes and read to herself.
*she is getting bigger!  At her 18 month allpointent she was 31.5 inches long and 21.8 pounds.  She wears a size 5 shoe.
*she can stack 8 blocks
-she puts fee clothes in the hamper after bath every night.  She also looooves to throw things away in the trash.
She is a funny little girl and always a hot
To be around!!

Monday, April 27, 2015

Ellie says- at 17 months

One day I friend to write down everything Ellie is what I got!
Sit down
Brush teeth
Bye, see you
Ride (while sitting on riding toy)
Thank you
All gone 
Belly but
Hurt (bad points to what hurts, the other day she had strep and she was pointing to her eye and said "eye hurt" dr thinks she had a headache)
Water (wadoo)
Open (op-dee)
Autin (Austin)
Hampbell (Campbell)
Huddy (Hudson)
Wigg-wey (wrigley)
Dog dog 
Nice (when he is scared of something-like dresses up character- she said nice in a scared voice)
Mimmie (Minnie)
Allah (Elsa- or really any princess)
Love you 
all gone
All done
Here (said when she having you something)
Hold me
Stuck (when she can't get out of somewhere) 
Chelsi (call me this!)
Ice cream
Nana (Nana)
Turkey dog
Hot (loves to turn on bath water and say hot)
Dog dog 
Hi (said hiiiii- esp when pretending to talk on the phone)
Bye bye
Baby (looooooves babies)
Wig-wey (wrigley)
Kittie cat
Bye, see you
Buckabee (means unbuckle me- like from the car seat)

Tuesday, April 7, 2015

Ellie says

Me: "Ellie, do you like to take a bath?"
Ellie: "dirty"

Tuesday, March 17, 2015


Yesterday at the store, Ellie was sitting in the shopping cart trying to get my attention saying "mommy". I was busy trying to shop so I wasn't addressing her.  After a few minutes she started yelling "sha-si" (Chelsi) instead!  


Abby was soooo exacted to bring her "vacations" to her birthday party to her class!

Wednesday, February 18, 2015

Abby says

"I have brand new hair!"

Saturday, February 14, 2015

Dinner prayer by Carter

"Dear God,
Thank you for our food and our family........and put natural habitat. "

Wednesday, February 11, 2015

15 months

Ellie is 15 months and is growing and changing so quick!  It seems like every day she is doing something new.  Here are some things about Ellie at 15 months. 
* she loooooves to eat!!  Her fav foods are: green beans, blue berries, cottage cheese, yogurt, cheese, chicken, mandrian oranges, gold fish, hummus- just about anything!  She loves to eat with a fork and spoon. She is really good at using a fork too!
*she is so verbal! She is even putting wods together here are some words and phrases:
I drink water
Baby nini
No no sissy
More book
Dog dog
Mimmie (Minnie)
There are so many more- she really says everything!  Repeats everything- and uses words on her own.
*she can identify: nose, hair, bow, eye, hands, feet, booty, mouth 
*animals sounds: monkey, dog, cat, lion *she loves baby dolls.  She loves to pretend to feed them a bottle, cover them up, push them in a stroller, put the in their highchair, and put them in her bed. 
*she is very Independant.  Loves to go down the big slide in the playground by herself and loves to swing!
* at her 15 month appointment she cried when the nurse and then the doctor came in.  She was 19 pounds (40%) and 31 inches (70%).
*she has been throwing all sorts of fits!  Hates getting her diaper changed and taking her coat off.
*she loves to read!  Loves to look at each page and loves me to read to her!  She picks what book she wants me to read and will back herself into my lap to be read to!  She says "more" to hear the same story again and again!
Ellie is at such a fun age and we just love her!

Friday, January 30, 2015

Abby says

"When I grow up I want to be a teacher because I like to talk a lot." 

Sunday, January 25, 2015

Opposites are confusing!

Ellie is talking so much and sometimes she has been getting a bit consisted with words.  2 different opposites in particular have gotten her a little mixed up.  They are:
-Down/up- she knows to say down when she wants down, but was also using it when she wanted up in my lap. After some correction I think she has figured it out.
-hot/cold- she knows to point to the stove when it's hot- but sometimes when things  are cold, says hot too.  For example, tonight I gave her a bite of ice cream and she said, "hot" I had to correct her and tell her it's cold and she said "brrrr",
This is such a fun age!  I'm trying to remember it all!!

Friday, January 16, 2015

My chatty 14 months old

Ellie's speech has really taken off!  She says so many things regularly and with meaning.  She talks all the time!  Here are the everyday words she says.
No no
Brrrr- she we got outside and it's cold
Side (slide)
Wing (swing)
Nana (for banana)
Boon (balloon)
Hot (when points to the stove)
Water (calls any liquid this)
Bath and goes to bathtub and says, "bath, water, bath, water"
Night night
Uh oh
Poo poo
Tee tee
Abba (Abby)
Dolt (colt)
Mmmm-ma (mee ma)
All done
Thank you
Dadda or daddy
Uh uh - for no 
There are all initiated and used by her- not things she just repeats. 
She also tried to repeat anything we say. It's so fun to watch her grow and learn!

Sunday, January 4, 2015

Dog dog!

Ellie loves dog dogs!  Especially Chole!

Ellie at 14 months

HahaEllie turned 14 months on theist day of 2014.  She is at such a fun age!  She is learning and doing new things each day.  Here is airtime about Miss E!
*she is very verbal.  Her list of words include:
All done
Uh oh 
Dog dog ( says whoof whoof when you ask what they say)
Poo poo (has even been telling me when she goes) 
Uh uh
Mmmaw (Meemaw)
Calls colt bubba- haha
And that's all I can think of off the too of my head but there is prob more. She tired to repeat everything we say as well as babble her one sentences.  One day I need to write down evey thing she says.  She also puts words together.  When I said we are going to take a bath, she says "bath, water, bath, water" she likes to repeat herself a lot!
-she loves books.  I will often times find her sitting with a basket of books looking through each one intently.  Slowly turning each back and carefully looking at each picture.  She loves to point at pictures in the book.  She also loves me to read to her.  She will bring me a book and let me know that she wants in my lap and wants to read.
*she loves the iPad and my phone!  That's another word she said- "phome" when she gets my phone she knows how to slide her finger to turn it on and also knows how to click on aps.  So funny.  She loves to go to the camper and take picturs of herself like this: 
*she loves to eat! Her favorite food are: blueberries, blackberries, raspberries, applesauce, green beans, Mac&cheese, cottage cheese, bananas, strawberries, turkey, pizza and anything we are eating!
*she loves her bubba and sissy, though I can already see her trying to pick on her sissy....she tried to copy everything that they do!
*she is still a petite thing.  I think she has even gotten slimmer since she's been on the move so much.  He size 3 diapers are still pretty big on her.  She is wearing 6/12 month clothes mostly. She is getting more hair and it is crazy hair! :). All never and scraggly- I think I need to get it cut to even it out!
*she is very aware of what is going on around her and doesn't miss much!  Wheni tell her we need to change her diaper she will go in her room and lay down.  I feel like she understands just about everything we say.  She san follow commands like " go get me a book"
*she has a lite temper. She knows what she wants and she will throw a fit if she doesn't get what she wants.
*she is very Independant, but she has also started to be a mamas girl lately x. If
I am not around she will say mama and look for me.  I know this will change soon so I am trying to appreciate it. :)
It is so much fun to see her grow and develop.  I can wait to see what next month has in store!


Our family experienced a huge loss that I never blogged about.  It happened during the peroid of time that was was taking a blog hiatus....a crazy busy time.  We lost Kris' dad in a horrible car wreck May 27, 2013. My kids lost their Pop pop who thought they hung the moon.  The thought of this loss still takes my breath away and leaves my in shock.  Leaves me wanting to scream to God, "why??".  I hate it.  I hate it so much.  The weekend it happened was the perfect weekend.  Kris, the kids and I went up to the lake to see kris' parents because they were in town for Labor Day.  We had an awesome weekend with them.  It rained all weekend- which seemed like a nuisance, but was a blessing as it kept us all in the house together.  Kris' dad wasn't able to do all the projects he normally kept busy with, but was able to relax.  I remember seeing his sitting out on the porch, drinking his coffee, reading his bible.  The kids would come out there and visit.  All weekend I remember his calling Abby "Miss Priss" and complimenting her pretty pink dress.  I remember the way she giggled at him and loved him to tickle her. It was a weekend of no fighting and quality time .  I remember getting ready to leave and telling pop pop that I liked his blue shirt and him telling her he got it at Academy.  I remember his help buckle the kids in the car like he always did and I remember Carter being sad we had to go.  As kris pulled out, I remember pop pop tickling Carter through the car window and I can still remember waving to him as we drove away.  All the other details....I don't want to remember.  The horrible call from Kris' mom as we were diving home from a fun swim....and the horrible days and weeks that followed.  I do want Carter and Abby to know how much Pop pop adored then.  I want Ellie to know what Pop Pop already knew she was going to be a girl- he told me so that weekedb. There are so many things I want them to know.  People say that time heals all wounds- I wouldn't say it heals them, because I still feel just the same when I think of the terrible loss.  I have this time hop app on my phone and this was the one today....
I remember that pop pop took Carter to the mall that day and he picked out that hat.  He also took him to get a watch fixed of pop pop that he gave him.  Such sweet memories.  I know this rambles and doesn't make the most sense, but I wanted to wrote down my memories....for my kids to see.