Thursday, February 26, 2009

A beautiful day

Since it was such a warm 81 degree February day, Carter and I decided to meet Aunt Kristen at the horse park.

Carter kept picking up "ras" (rocks)

He love watching the sheep "eee-t"

And petting him too!

Here's a carrot for Gold!

Helping Aunt Kristen brush Gold's tail.

He loved following the kids around!

He kept yelling "baby" to them and they ran away!

He finally got to pet one!


Just hanging around!

Everything was good until a goat walked up!


Checking things out!

Riding Gold with mommy.

What a beautiful day!!

Sunday, February 22, 2009

Happy birthday to me...a little late!

My actual birthday was last Sunday, but I waited to do a post, because I celebrated with my friends on Saturday.
On my birthday I went out to eat twcice! I chose Freebirds for lunch with my family. Carter LOVED his Quesadilla and chips and my burrito was yumy!

Carter enjoying his chips.

Carter with his silly Uncle Austin.

Carter with his Uncle Colt!

The after coming home and taking a long nap we went with Meemaw, Pawpaw and Aunt Kristen to the horse park. Carter had fun playing with the animals and riding Gold in his very own saddle! After the horse park we ate at Outback for dinner. Yummy again!

Hugging the sheep named Christmas Eve. He is SO soft!

Feeding Gold a carrot!

Riding Gold in his very own saddle!

Then on Saturday I met my friends at Chuy's for the last of my birthday celebrating. We had such a great time talking and eating yummy food!

Tolson, J'Layne and Jess

Missy and Julie

Debbie and Mrs. Garcia

Me and Erica- my BFF since 6th grade.

I got 2 new camera straps for my camera. They are both so cute!

Sunday, February 15, 2009



Valentine's Day festivities!

We have had a busy end of week getting ready for Valentine's Day! Carter came up with my mom to school for Colt's party and got to visit all of my students. He was shy at first and then opened up doing his new trick the robot and giving all the kids high fives and knuckles. When we came home he practiced another of his new tricks, blowing bubbles. He loves to do it! (Please excuse his had been a long day).

Can you see the tiny bubble?

Oh, don't drink the bubbles!! Don't worry, he didn't get any!

Picking a flower for Mommy.

Then we checked the mail and he got a Valentine's Day card from Great Grandmother and Grandad.

He also got a dollar!

The next day was very busy. First Carter spent some time watching Tom and Jerry- it's his new favorite show!

Then he tried on a hat.

What a cutie!
Next I decided to take him to Build a Bear for Valentine's Day. Big mistake! The place was packed!!

He wanted both of these dogs!

Really he had more fun playing on the computer.

We got his dog a leash and he had fun walking him!

"Awww, she's so cute." I didn't even correct the lady.

Next we went to watch Colt play basketball. Carter was being quite a pill so I didn't get good pictures. Colt's the one at the free throw line.

Then after a long nap it was off to Ella and Emma's birthday party at Little Gym. Carter had SO much fun! I am going to have to looking into taking him there again. He loved jumping. He's a little daredevil!

Gransey helping him jump.

Listening to directions with Ella.

The tounge means he is thinking!

Then they blew up this bouncey thing and he the time of his life jumping!!

Then it was time to deflate it. All the kids laid down while it deflated.

Emma and Ella.

Ready for cake!
Carson's ready too!

3 year old Emma!

3 year old Ella!

Happy birthday to you!

Carter drinking like a big boy!


Carter loved his cake!

Carson did too!

Carter checking out his goody bag. He showed off his robot skills for the chocolate!

Carter and Carson with their matching shirts. Caleb was making them laugh!

What a fun party! Afterwards we ate at Jason's Deli then Carter took a bath and passed out. I watched Casablanca for the first time with my Valentine and then it was off to bed!