Thursday, February 26, 2009

A beautiful day

Since it was such a warm 81 degree February day, Carter and I decided to meet Aunt Kristen at the horse park.

Carter kept picking up "ras" (rocks)

He love watching the sheep "eee-t"

And petting him too!

Here's a carrot for Gold!

Helping Aunt Kristen brush Gold's tail.

He loved following the kids around!

He kept yelling "baby" to them and they ran away!

He finally got to pet one!


Just hanging around!

Everything was good until a goat walked up!


Checking things out!

Riding Gold with mommy.

What a beautiful day!!

1 comment:

Shawna Nicholson said...

That looks like a pretty neat place boys would love it! :) Hope things are well...sorry I couldnt' make it to your party...too much going on that weekend...but I really tried! We need to schedule something..just me you and Erica!