Thursday, September 29, 2011

24 weeks

This has been a big week of firsts for Miss Abby Paige! She had her first cracker at the Cracker Barrel and her first taste of Cheerios! She LOVED them both! I am finding that she loves to eat things that she can chew! She is still not too keen on baby cereal or baby food in general. Last night I gave her some cut up green beans from our dinner and she loved those.
This week I can say she is officially an independant sitter. She has been sitting up with assistance and by herself some, but on Wednesday, I just saw it click! We were at story time at the library and she sat up by herself the whole time! I watched her catch herself when she leaned too far back or too far forward. She loves it and I can tell she feels so big and so proud of herself!
She is still having seperation anxiety and is weary of strangers. I feel like she notices where I am all the time. If I leave her line of vision she will fuss. She turns it right off when I reappear. She will sometimes let smoeone else hold her if she is in the mood, but the only people she really feels comfortable with are Kris, my mom and my aunt. She is so aware of everything going on around her and just takes it all in!
When I am holding her I feel like I am holding a little monkey because she grabs everything I am holding as well as everything I pass by. She loves my hair and my necklace. She would love to get her hands on my phone!
She is still an awesome sleeper and is ready for bed between 6:30 and 7 and she sleeps throught the night until between 7:30 and 8 in the morning. She is in the best mood when she wakes up and gives the biggest smiles I have ever seen. Usually when I walk in she will smile and then stick her tounge out and blow rasberries at me!
Naps during the day are a different story. Because I am on the go so much, her napping schedule is not down and she often fights naps, I think she doesn't want to miss out on what's going on!
I am still nursing and she eats about every 3-4 hours. I kinda stay on a schedule, but mostly read her cues. She will let me know when she's hungry!
I had a lot of fun taking her picture this week, she was in such a good mood, so there is a little picture overload!
I love that you can see her little teeth in this picture!

Monday, September 26, 2011

Abby's SECOND tooth!

I was so surpried to already find Abby's SECOND tooth! It was pretty hard to get a shot of it, but you can kinda see it!
And just for fun a few more pictures of my sweet babies!
Another attempt at seeing the tooth!
So serious!
Happy girl....notice her wet shirt from all the drool!
And my sweet boy.
LOVE him so much!!

Look what I found....

in my washing machine! Someone has been collecting rocks in their pockets at school, ha!

Thursday, September 22, 2011

Wednesday, September 21, 2011

This little girl.....

is HIGH Maintaince!

10 questions

What are your favorite things to eat?
meatballs, pizza, rice, leaves (spinach), Reeses Puffs, pb&j, peanut butter crackers, Reeces peanut butter cups, popsicles
Where are your favorite places to eat?
McDonalds, Chillis
What are your favorite drinks?
Diet Coke (Dr. Pepper), juice (V-8 fusion)
What are your favorite toys?
Spiderman toys
What is your favorite animal?
A monkey
What is your favorite color?
What is your favorite number?
Who is your best friend?
What is your favorite shape?
Vanilla (he thought I said shake, ha).....then square
What is your favorite flavor of ice cream?

Monday, September 19, 2011

Look really closely.....

and you can see that tooth that has been giving Miss Abby Paige such a tough time...

Sunday, September 18, 2011

I'm strong!

Carter is always trying to lift things up to show how strong he is. Today he displayed his great strength holding Abby's changing pad....he asked me to take a picture, ha!
Abby is getting strong too and starting to sit really well!

Saturday, September 17, 2011

Camp out!

Carter found his backpack with his sleeping bag in it and decided he wanted to camp out. He talked daddy into getting his sleeping bag out of the attic and they had a campout in the floor of our bedroom.
All comfy!
Sweet boys!
So excited!
Carter LOVES his daddy!

They lasted until 5 in the morning when they climbed into our bed...Kris' back was pretty sore the next day, ha!

Friday, September 16, 2011

C-O-U-G-A-R-S go, fight, win TCHS!

This week was homecoming for my alma mater and neighboring town. Thursday they had their homecoming parade. Carter and Abby both enjoyed watching the parade!
Carter ready to watch the parade with his shades on.
The parade started with the firetruck. I was afraid the seirens were going to scare Abby, but they didn't!
Carter figured out if you wave to people. they throw you candy! He had funn running as fast as he could to get the candy before the other kids around us got it.
watching the band
He was so proud of all the candy he got!
Then Friday, we met the Nicholson family to go to the game. We met a McDonalds, where Shawna, Erica, Beth and I used to go before the game back in the day! It was looking pretty cloudy, but I was sure there was no way it was going to rain, since we have basically been in a drought!
But sure enough as soon as we go there it started sprinkling....and only got worse! I only snapped two are Corbin and Carter with their hoods on trying to stay dry!
Carter is in the yellow under a random person's umbrella. He tried to find anyone he could that had an umbrella and stand or sit next to them! At one point this lady and her friend gave us their HUGE umbrella to borrow....wish I had a pictures Shawna and I were quite a site! Anyway, we eventually went under the bleachers because it started raining hard, then once we were there, there was a downpour! The game never even got started while we were there because of the lightening......what a bummer, but the boys had fun and I enjoyed visiting with Shawna!

Thursday, September 15, 2011

22 weeks

I am feeling a little uninspired about doing these weekly posts, but I am determined to have 52 pictures to make a fun collage when she turns alas, here are this weeks pictures.
She was not in a smiley mood, these teeth (or the one tooth I see) are really making her a drooling, snotty and clingy mess. She wants to be held most all the time when we are at home. Now when we are out and about, she is great....I guess she has a lot if entertainment. She is back to sleeping all night, so that is wonderful! I think the pictures below are a pretty true representation of Miss Abby right now.
She loves to put her dress in her mouth....not very ladylike!
She is always grabbing her feet!
She loves to stand! I keep saying she is going to walk before she crawls, because ALL she wants to do is stand!
She chews on everything! She grabs whatever is in my hand and tries to get it in her mouth. She even loves my hair!