Monday, September 12, 2011

Colt's first football game of the season

Colt's first football game of this eight grade season just happened to be on his actual birthday! We came to cheer him on on his special day.
He played tight end.
Carter wasn't too into watching the game, he was more into jumping aroung, ugh!
Abby was into chewing up the program!
Carter chose a baby bottle pop for a snack.
Carter and his hero, Colt.
After the game Colt played in the band for the next game.

We stayed until the end of both games. When we got the the car after the game, I realized I didn't have Carter's iTouch. I frantically looked around for it and walked back to the stands where we were sitting twice to no was gone. I imagine someone picked it up and we will never see it again. I was REALLY upset. Not only was it expensive, bit it has been our saving grace during times when we want to sit in peace- mostly going out to dinner. Carter was upset too, but I am not sure he realized it was really gone for good. This morning he was looking for it and I had to remind him that he lost it. While we were driving to school he said, "That boy who took it probably doesn't know how to play my games." I told him he probably did. A few minutes later he said, "Well, that boy probably doesn't have a charger so he can't charge it." I actually think that this has all been a good lesson in responsibility. Also, Carter had gotten way too addicted to the thing, so this will probably be a good break. Kris told him that if he is good, maybe Santa will bring him one. Let's see if we can make it that long!

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