Friday, July 27, 2012

This week...

 Abby enjoyed chips a queso at Tupeys
 We say Riley and Lauren get married!  Here is Austin and Riley, childhoood bffs!
 Colt as as tall at te Exit sign!
 We went to the Gaylord Texas
 We met the Stewarts at Jump Street
 We played at the mall
We swam at the Rooney's house and Abby got hugs from Ben!

Sunday, July 22, 2012

The Gaylord Texan

My mom and I have been wanting to ceck out the Gaylord Texan's new water resort, so when my mom found a special running, she decided to treat us to a night there. We had so much fun playing in the water and Carter loved staying in the hotel!
Abby thought she was hot stuff walking down the halls of the hotel
Waiting for the shuttle to take up to the waterpark!
riding a trolly is always fun!

Abby looked super cute in her hat, and she kept it on all day!
The lazsy river way super fun and Carter found 3$ floating in it. He thought he had won the jackpot! 
Colt on the zipline
It is so close to the airport, the planes were flying low.  Abby loved pointing to them!
Cater wanted to ride to zipline so bad, but he was too shot. :(
Abby liked point to the flowers inside the hotel
I wanted a picture of her in this adorable outfit, she se would NOT hold still long enough for me to get a good picture!
so sweet!
I love those curls!
And here is where I gave up on getting a good picture!
"Hi train!"
day 2 at the pool
More ziplining for Colt
And Austin joined us!
She is such a fish!
Sweet siblings
And Abby passed out for over an hour!  She was so tired from swimming.....and not sleeping much the night before!
So pretty!
Peek a Boo!
watching the train
watching the fish at lunch
Abby decided to rub her beans in her hair!
Carter thought it was so funny!
Oh my!
Carter and Uncle Austin

Friday, July 20, 2012

Swimming with the Stewarts

I always love a day of swimming in Grapevine with my most favotite family (besides my own). We always have such a good time! :)
I alsolutley adore this swimsuit that Abby has on!  I tried to get a few pictues so you can tell so cute it is!
Of course there was a lot of fun on the diving board!
Carter ran and slipped going off the board.  I was afraid he was going to be scared, but said it was fun!
Ninja chop jump
Friends forever!
After swimming we hung out at my mom's a while since Kris had poker.  Carter stil loves to go in this car, ha!
Miss Technology!  She knoe how to turn my iPhone on!
Pretty girl!
Pretty boy. :)
Colt and Chloe