Saturday, July 14, 2012

15 months

I feel like every age is fun, but man, Abby is SO much fun right now! She is constantly learning new things and is so happy to be walking around taking in everything!
Yes, that's right, walking everywhere and fast!  She took her first steps June 23 (and not just one, like 8 the first time and then was taking 20 plus that same night) but kinda held off on walking for a few days and reverted to scooting.  Then a few days later she was walking all the time.  She perfects her walk a little more each day.  Today she went from sitting to standing by herself.  She looks so cute and I am going to feel sad when she walks "normally" because she looks so cute!
Her vocabulary is really taking off and I feel like she is always saying new things.  Her favorite word to say is  "yeah".  She uses is correctly most of the time...every once in a while she will say yeah even if she doesn't understand what you are asking her.  Her other words are:  baby, bubba, Carter, mamma, dada, dog, cat (tat), bed, there-it-is (said as one word), peea-boo (peek-a-boo), shoes, diaper, nack (snack-she says this when she is hungry), a-dee (all done)

She also understands so much.  She amazes me with the commands she is able to follow!  She follows on step commands like, get your baby, get a book, wipe your face, throw that in the trash etc.  If you tell her something is hot, she will blow on it.
She can identify : nose, hair, ear, bellybutton, feet, eyes
bow, shoes, shirt
signs: more, all done
She tries to dress herself and loves to have shoes on.  She will not keep a bow in for long, but I am pretty persistant.
She does not like to be messy and holds her hands out for me to clean if they are messy.  If you give her a wipe she is good about wiping her hands and her face and will wipe her highchair tray if she spills something.
 She is already a picky eater, but loves the pouches of fruit/veggie combos and eats one of those at every meal to get her veggies!  Some of her favorites are:  crackers, refried beans, cereal bars, yogurt, string cheese, rice, pizza, spaghetti, chicken nuggets, grapes.....she is already aprehensive to try new things (ugh!) and doesn't like mac and cheese or strawberries!?! She loves to dip things and to feed herself.  She is pretty good with a fork and spoon.
She is already quite the fit thrower and will throw her paci down in anger when she gets mad, will throw herself on the ground and will kick and do a high pitch scream. 
Her favorite person on Carter.  She wants to copy everything he does and is just smitten with him.  Coming in at a loce second is daddy and Colt.  She seems to like boys best, but she is still a mamma's girl a lot of the time.
I think she recently went through a growth spurt!  Her size 2 shoes are getting small and she can wear some size 3 shoes (though they are still a little small).  She wears a size 3 diaper and clothing varies.  If it's a dress she can wear 6-12 months and some 12-18 months.  If it's a one piece its usually 12-18 months, shirts 18 months so they are long enough, and shorts 6-12 months or some 12-18 months.
15 month stats:
length: 30 inches (50%)
weight:  22 pounds (50%)
Head:  90%
Abby had a lot of teeth:  four top front, 3 bottom front, and all four back molars
She is still a good sleeper  She goes to sleep about 7 wakes up around 8 in the morning.  She is ready for a morning nap around 10 for about 2 hours, then takes a cat nap (uaully in the car) for an afternoon nap).  She really is pretty go with the flow as far as sleeping goes.
Abby LOVES books!  Her favorite book is "Where is Baby's Bellybutton" and gets such a kick out of it.  She really loves any lift the flap book.  Sometimes when I am cleaning It will get really quiet in the playroon and I will peek in and she will be sitting there with a basket of books, looking through them page by page.  She does the same thing in her crib in the morning.  I will out 2 books in the end of her crib at night and when she wakes up in the morning I will look on the monitor and she will be sitting there looking through the books.

Abby likes to be a helper.  Especially when I am doing laundry.  She loves to take them clothes out of the dryer and hand them to me!
She is very affectionate and cuddly and I love it.  She loves to run up to you and give out hugs and will pat your back!
With suc afun month, I can't wait to bee what the next one brings...and the next...and the next!!

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