Wednesday, January 26, 2011

28 weeks

I can't believe that I only have 12 weeks left of this pregnancy. It really has seemed to fly by! I am sooooo excited to meet Abby and I often find myself daydreaming about what she will look like and how it will feel to hold a sweet newborn baby again. I wonder if she will have reddish brown hair like Carter did when he was born, or dark black hair like I had. Either way, I am sure she will have hair, because my heartburn has been just downright terrible! It doesn't matter what I eat, I get heartburn. Now some foods are worse than others. Sweets are especially bad. It hurts so much that my eyes will well up. I also get woken up with acid reflux quite often in the middle of the night. Ugh, Tums have definatly been my friend! I still have food aversions to Chickfila (used to be my favorite) and don't really crave anything sweet, but will take a chocolate milk shake once in a while. The things that sounds best are Subway and Mexican food.
Here is a not very good picture of my 28 week bump. I definatly am feeling huge! My back hurts and I can't seem to get comfortable a lot of the time! Carter still likes me to hold him some, and his 43 plus pounds are getting hard to manage. Carter has been so funny about this pregnancy. Once minute he is excited to have a baby sister and the next minute he doesn't want one. It makes me feel guilty at times, but I know that it will turn out to be a good thing for him!
This pregnancy has been different than my first. I feel Abby move pretty consistantly, but she does random kicks and movements here and there, where as I remember Carter having more constant kicks, not just one and then done.
I wish I could say that I am enjoying being pregnant and I feel guilty that I am not. I read about people just loving it, and for some reason, I just don't. I feel like I worry a lot about Abby and if she is okay. I feel like I don't have any control over her well being in the womb, and I find myself wanting her to be here, just so I know she is that crazy of me? I truly understand the miracle that is taking place, I just feel like I have "trust" issues (though I have no reason to have them) if that makes sense. So, that is something I have been praying about.....don't assume the worst, expect the best, and then you can deal with an unfortunate outcome, if for some terrible reaon it were to happen. Her room is 75% finished, and I need to post pictures of it soon!

Sunday, January 23, 2011

Carter "reading"

I have been working with Carter on his pre-reading skills. I printed off these little books with site words and pictures and he loves to "read" them. To me the concept seems so basic, but I know it's a step in understanding reading! Plus he is soo proud of himself when he finishes!

Donuts and a basketball game

Carter and I went to see Colt play in his school basketball tournament yesterday. On the way there, I told him we would stop for donuts. He hadn't had donuts in a long time and was sooooo excited. He told me he wanted 4. I let him get 2 and told him he could have more after he finished those.
He chose this huge glazed twist donut and devoured the whole thing so quickly!
Then he ate his sprinkle donut, well just the top off! So funny!
Colt's team won the tournament and Colt did an awesome job! I was sooooo proud of him! After the game, Carter wanted to sit in front of the "C" on the bleachers!
Carter did not want a picture with Colt, so this is the best I I am using my old camera so the quality is not good!

Monday, January 17, 2011

Woody's Roundup!

Carter is OBSESSED with all of the Toy Story movies. He talks about them all the time and sings the songs constantly. Here's a little video of him singing "Woody's Round-up". It took a lot of bribing for him to let me video it, so this is not his best preformance....guess I need to tape him when he's not paying attention next time! Sorry it's sideways...........

Saturday, January 15, 2011

(Soon to be) Big Brother first

Last night Carter and I were watching a movie and he felt Abby kick for the first time. When he felt it, he said, "her like me." It was so sweet!

Sunday, January 9, 2011

A big imagination

Carter has really started to get into pretending. I love to hear him pretend all sorts of things. The other day he got this boo-boo on his hand. I am not even sure where he got it. Anyway, the other day at school he told his teacher that he got the boo-boo from a snake biting him, he said he then had to shoot the snake off. What a funy litle guy. You have to look REALLY closely to actually see the boo boo!
And just for fun, here are a few pictures from our little photo schoot I did the other morning. He got these pjs from Meemaw and Poppop for Christmas and I thought he looked so cute in them!

Carter writes his name!

I have been working with Carter here and there on writing his name. My goal was to have him writing his name by himself this summer, but he really didn't have any interest. We got through c and a and the was the extent of it. As of late I have decided that I really need to stop being lazy and make it a priority to do "school" work with him every day. His new rule is that he may not play his video game (Toy Story 3 which he is obsessed with) until he does his "homework." I have various activities I have been working on with him, which I plan to blog about later, but one thing I was determined to do was get him writing his name! I was so pleasantly surprised today when he wrote it so nicely today!

Sunday, January 2, 2011

Let's go Mavs!

We met the Stewart family for our first Mavs game of the season. We actually got there early this time so we got to enjoy some of the pregame fun!
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Carter and Colt shot some hoops!
Carter and Ella.
Colt and Cade shooting some hoops.
Carter went on this thing sooooo many times! If you look closely, you can see he is making a basket in this picture!
Carter and his girls, Emma and Ella.
Making more shots with Em.
Go Mavs!
My mom brought fun was messy!!