Sunday, January 31, 2010

Carter says

*Carter got a Cabbage Patch Kid for Christmas from cousin Stacy. He loves to change his diaper. He always says, "He pooped in his diaper." The first time he "changed" his diaper, he look off his diaper, turned him over and said, "Him butt look weird." We are working on saying bottom instead of butt (which before this I had never heard him say), but I thought it was sooo funny!
*The other day Carter came up to me and was going to hit me with a toy. Before he could hit me, I said, "If you hit me with that, I am going to take it away." He stopped and said, "Nevermind" and walked away.
*I turnede a movie on, but failed to turn the surround sound on, so Carter said, "Mommy, I can't listen!"
*When we were on the way to the pool, Carter said, "I not a Mermaid. Emma and Ella are mermaids, but I not, I a fishie."

Carter says and does so many things that I think are funny lately and I am going to try to document them, for my memory's sake!

Saturday, January 30, 2010

Fun give away!

Head on over to:

for a fun give away. Nicole is makes the CUTEST things! She's such an awesome seamstress! She made Carter's precious turkey shirt and Rudolph shirt that I got so many compliments on! She also made him a super cute towel. Super cute and great quality and she embroiders!!! Check her out!

Sunday, January 3, 2010

2 years 8 months

What is your favorite song?
"Boom, Boom Pow"
Who do you love?
"Emma, Ella, Erica, Ma, Colt, Mommy"
What do you like to do?
"Go to Check E. Cheese"
What is your favorite color?
What do you like to eat?
What do you like to watch on TV?
"Wonder Pets"
What is your favorite movie?
What is your favorite book?
"Stinky Face, Basketball ball book"
Who are your friends?
"Emma, Carson"

A few more things about this month.....
*Carter is potty trained! I started working on it "officially" the first day of Christmas break and he has done great! The only reward he gets is praise and he tells me whenever he needs to go, it was so easy! He even went our whole trip to San Antonio (I still need to blog about it) without an accident, amazing! I was really nervous to send him to school in underwear, but day 1=no accidents! Yea!
* Carter has become obsessed with basket ball. He likes to tell everyone he is a basketball player and ONLY wants to wear "basketball pants and shirts" This is a little annoying as he has a closet FULL of clothes that he doesn't want to wear!
*One of my favorite things he says is, " Mom, what you doing?" He always is making us laugh with the things he comes up with.
*He also tells everyone that his is a "big boy" The other day at McDonalds he told a little girl that his name was big boy and I overheard her calling him that thoughout the playscape, too funny!