Thursday, March 31, 2011

Toy Story 3 on Ice!

When I saw that Toy Story 3 on Ice was coming, I knew Carter had to go. He LOVES Toy Stroy and I knew he would love seeing the show! So Kris and I decided to take this oppertunity to take him on a soon to be big brother trip. We told him the day before that we were taking him on a suprise and he was so excited! carter 009 We let him pick where we ate dinner and he chose McDonalds of course! To make it even better the happy meal toys were from the Justice League, so he got a new Robin toy! carter 001 When we got there he was so excited to see Toy Story things everywhere! carter 003 We had awesome seats (thanks, Nicole)! We got there a little late, and when we came in Zurg was entering the ice. He was a little scared of Zurg, and said, "I don't want to watch this anymore." Soon enough Buzz Lightyear came in and saved the day, and then he was okay. He was completely mesmerized by the whole thing! carter 005 Carter and daddy. carter 004 Eating his $10 cotton candy. You read that right $10 for cotton candy, isn't that crazy!?! carter 007 Riding back to the car on daddy's back, the perfect end to the perfect night!