Thursday, July 31, 2008

I spoke too soon.....

You know how as soon as you say that something has never happened, it is only a matter of time before that thing happens? Well, literally yesterday I was telling Erica how Carter has never thrown up, so what does he do today? You guessed it, he threw up for the first time. Poor baby. He had been acting mopey all day and while he was eating his dinner, he threw it all back up in the high chair. One if Kris' quotes was, "Uhh, I hate the smell of yogurt going down." It was a pretty big mess and Carter went straight to the bathtub. Poor baby. I am not sure what's wrong with him. No fever, just a runny nose. I hope he doesn't have that virus that is going around the pools in Dallas............

Happy birthday Chloe!

We are dog sitting Chloe while my parents are out of town and today is her first birthday!


Today we met Connie and Hannah at the Splashpad. Unfortunatly I don't think Carter is feling very well. I had to wake him up from his nap to bring him. Then he didn't play in the water AT ALL! He just wantd to sit in my lap- not normal! He fell asleep in the car before I could even drive away. Hopefully he will wake up from his nap in a better mood.

Eating lunch

Hannah on the other hand had a blast in the water!

The one moment Carter got up from my lap

Hannah and her mama

Mr. Grouchface

She is such a girly girl already. I love how she sits with her feet crossed!

Wednesday, July 30, 2008

Good Intentions

Erica and I met in Allen today. Our plan was to shop at the outlet mall, mainly the Coach store and then take the kids to the nice splash park down the street. Well......our shopping went great- we both found a cute new purse. But when we drove up to the splash park- it was closed!! Boo! The are closed on Wednesdays! The kids were so disapointed! They did get to ride on one of the fun cars that was in front of the stores.
By the way- there was a coke machine that took credit cards.......have you ever heard of such?

Sunday, July 27, 2008


It must seem like Carter and I live in the water! Swimming is really my favorite summer activity and Carter just LOVES it too! Today we went to the Frisco Rec Center. Carter loves crawling around in the water there!

Saturday, July 26, 2008

Erica's 30th birthday!

For the past few months I have had a secret..........I was going to plan a surprise party for Erica's 30th birthday. Well, I had a few glitches along the way, but I think the night was a success. This is how is went..........Erica was suposed to meet us at 6:00 at Northpark before we were to meet the party at Chuy's at 7:30. Well, Erica got into a ton of traffic, so she didn't get to Northpark until 7:15!! I was freaking out because Erica kept wanting to stop in places......."Let me just run into the Seven store, oh, I love this store Olily, oh I forgot they had a Citizens store." I kpet saying, "Erica, I REALLY want a strawberry margarita." Anyway I finally got her out of there and we arrived ay Chuy's around 8 and Erica was totally surpirsed. We had a great time. After Chuy's we got a reccomendation from Austin's friend Emily about a taotto place. Erica has been talking forever about wanting a tatto and this was the night. I felt like I was on Miami Ink! Erica was very brave and now she will never forget her 30th birthday. Happy birthday to my best friend!!

Erica in front of Northpark

The party

Yummy Strawberry margarita

and a yummy cookie cake

opening presents

Erica and Kari getting a drink before tatoo time

Erica's untatooed foot

Elm Street tatoo

Me and Erica

Erica said it didn't hurt that bad....

Good old Joe hard at work

Tada! The finished project! FOur sweet hearts for four sweet kids!

Karri, mom, Erica and me after it was all said and done.

Friday, July 25, 2008

More swimming

After a great nap I took Carter to Rosemeade Pool to meet Erica and her crew. We had a great time swimming, unfortuanly the only picture I took was of Carter taking a snack break!

Mr. Happy goes to the park!

When I put on Carter's new "Mr. Happy" shirt he got from Erica I was hoping that would be the mood I would get from him, but no, he was "Mr. Grouchy". So I decided to take his to the park to make him happy. Mission accomplished! He had a great time at the park and was so independent! He even went down the biggest twisty slide all by himself!! He is obsessed with going up slides instead of down and I let him since there weren't any other kids at the park. I know, I know it's a bad habit, but he was having so much fun.

going up

He lost a shoe, but just kept on exploring
way up at the top of the big slide

going down,




Going back up.

Now it's headstand time!

He loved picking the woodchips up,

and putting them through the hole. He entertained himself this way for about ten minutes until a little girl arrived at the park and threw woodchips at him (as her mother watched!). He promptly threw them back at her and then she threw them back at him- bad habit! I had to butt in and say, "We don't throw wood chips!"