Friday, July 25, 2008

Mr. Happy goes to the park!

When I put on Carter's new "Mr. Happy" shirt he got from Erica I was hoping that would be the mood I would get from him, but no, he was "Mr. Grouchy". So I decided to take his to the park to make him happy. Mission accomplished! He had a great time at the park and was so independent! He even went down the biggest twisty slide all by himself!! He is obsessed with going up slides instead of down and I let him since there weren't any other kids at the park. I know, I know it's a bad habit, but he was having so much fun.

going up

He lost a shoe, but just kept on exploring
way up at the top of the big slide

going down,




Going back up.

Now it's headstand time!

He loved picking the woodchips up,

and putting them through the hole. He entertained himself this way for about ten minutes until a little girl arrived at the park and threw woodchips at him (as her mother watched!). He promptly threw them back at her and then she threw them back at him- bad habit! I had to butt in and say, "We don't throw wood chips!"


Fred's Mama said...

How much fun!
Dang girls... :-)

Erica said...

Mr. Happy looks cute in his shirt!

Shawna Nicholson said...

Do you ever stop Chels?! You're always on the go! :)