Thursday, July 24, 2008

Hopkins 24/7

Has anyone watched this show? I just watched it tonight and and bawled my eyes out. Now I love a good doctor show and I watch all sorts of "real life drama" on TLC, but this was over the top! There is something about pure human emotion that goes way beyond what even the best actor can portray. One of the show's features what about a nine year old little girl who had drown and when she was brought in she was found to be brain dead. It showed the doctor telling the whole family this horrible news. The mom was just rocking back and forth yelling "no" and gagging about to vomit. I can't even begin to imagine. The show continuted on and the parents had to make the decision to take her off of life support. How does a parent make that decision? Initially the parents said they were going to press on and pray for a miracle. How do you not? The dad said he didn't want to be the one to murder his daughter. I don't know if I could make the decision to take her off of life support. I wouldn't want to let go of her body. Of course through all of this I am envisioning Carter. How does a parent ever make the decision to let their baby go? I guess they have to know that their baby is not really there anymore, they have to hand them over to God. What a thing to have to do. But then again, that is what He had to do when He watched Jesus die on the cross. How do you not save your own child? What a sacrifice.
I don't know why this affected me so much tonight. I am not one to write about things like this. It just makes me realize how lucky I am to have Carter each day in my life. The love I feel for him, the way I feel when I watch him learn and grow is so indescribable and I am lucky for each day I have with him. It is truly a gift.

1 comment:

Erica said...

I've got to watch that next week. Isn't it amazing how seeing something like that can really put things into perspective. It is so easy to take the fact that we have perfectly healthy children for granted. It is true...we are so blessed!