Thursday, June 30, 2011

11 weeks

This week has brought a little girl who doesn't sleep as well as she has been. This weeks she has been waking up a few times during the night. Not wanting to get into any bad habbits I have been going in and givng her the paci, no picking her up! I am not sure why she is waking up, but she will go back to sleep after I give her the paci (sometimes I have to go in a few times). I hope this ends quick! The photoshoot this week was hard because she kept rolling every time I put her in her tummmy. I also didn't get and smiles, but as I am typing now she is smiling abd cooing at me, little stinker, she doesn't like the camera! This weeks she went swimming twice and seemed to like it! She still catnaps and takes at least one nap a day in her swing!
I'm about to roll!

The best I could get of a smile...though she's looking down!
Her eyes are still blueish!
She is obsessed with chewing on her hand, almost always her left hand!

I love these bloomers!

Tuesday, June 28, 2011

Big brother

Carter has been such a good big brother! He is always asking to hold or hug Abby. He puts her paci in her mouth when she is crying and talks so sweetly to her. I feel so lucky!
Giving Abby kisses.
Giving her her "buh".

Monday, June 27, 2011

Abby's first official swim

Abby has been to the swimming pool numerous times, but today was the first time I ut her in the water. I was taking Carter to the rec center and they have a salt water system, so I thought it would be better than chlorine. She loved the water and was so relaxed. I didn't bring my camera to the pool, so I took a few pictures before we left!
Ready to swim in her cute suit!
Carter loves to swim!


Abby loves her little playmat and has started intentionally batting at the things hanging down. When she bats them, the song starts on the star. She loves it!
And I just couldn't resist taking these pictures of my smiley girl. Please excuse the picture overload!

Splash Park fun!

We met Carter's good friend Cade at the library for a Mad Science presentation and then we went to the splash park for some fun! Carter and Cade had a blast!
Fun in the sun.
Running through the water is so fun!

Sunday, June 26, 2011

Sunday Funday

Tpoday we met our favorite friends for some fun at Chuck E Cheese. The kids had a fun time ane I loved visiting with my mom and Erica!
Carter had fun on the clock ride.
Making Cotton Candy, yummy!
Carter's favorite!
Ella, Carter and Emma.
Caden and Colt
Abby had fun just observing everything,

Thursday, June 23, 2011

Yummy, yummy!

We met our friends at Chuy's today and had a yummmy lunch! All the kids loved the ice cream afterwards!
and Abby- no popsicle for her!
After lunch Carter and I stopped for our first sonwcone of the season (yes, more sugar!) it was the yummiest!

10 weeks!

This week Abby went to her first movie, Mr. Poppers Pengiuns, and slept the whole time! She is still sleeping great at night, but daytime naps still are a problem, she does a lot of cat napping! She is blowing a lot of spit bubbles and still talking up a storm. The other day Kris was sticking his tounge out at her and she was doing it back, so funny! She is growing and changing every day!

This is what happens.....

When you have a big brother.....Batman toys in your roon!

Spotlight on Carter!

I feel like I have been doing so many posts about Abby, I thought I would turn the spotlight onto Carter for a post! Here are some things about him right now at 4 years 1 month!
His favorite color is blue and his favorite number is 8. I asked him why 8 and he told me, "because it's bigger than 4."
His favorite movie is "The Sponge Bob Movie" and his favotite book is "The Amazing Spiderman."
He is really into Superheros and really into using his imagination! The other day he told me, "You know sometimes I get sticky so I can climb the walls like Spiderman." He has a Spiderman glove (just one) that he like to wear around and pretend he is Spiderman. Whenever we are going somewhere he like to get "all packed up" and will usually pack some action figures and some books to play with while we are gone.
He absolutly loves his daddy and loves to wrestle with him. Ont he same hand he is a mamma's boy. He is very cuddly and loves to sit in laps and to snuggle.
He loves his little sister and said his favorite thing about her is when she talks to him. He is very helpful and puts her paci in her mouth when she cries. Sometimes he does wake her up by kissing or hugging her when she is sleeping....
His favorite food is pizza and if we ask him what he wants for dinner he will always respond pizza or rice. He loves to drink water and drinks a lot of it!
He is totally into electronics and the iTouch he got for his birthday. I really have to work to limit the time he watches TV and plays video games because he would do those things all day long if it were up to him. He loves to play board games, but also loves to win....we are working on that!
He loves to carry things in his pocket! The other day his shirt had a pocket on the front and he carried his gum around in it. He kept pulling it out, it was so funny. Then today he had his iTouch in one pocket and his sunglasses in the other.

I love all these things about him and they are things I hope I always remember!

Monday, June 20, 2011

Abby's 2 month appointment

Abby had her 2 month appointment today. Everything checked out great. Here are her stats:
Length: 24 inches (97%)
Weight: 11.1 pounds (50%)
Head: 15 1/8 (75%)
So she is a long thin baby so far. I knew she was long, but I can't belive she has grown over 3 inches since she was born, wow! My mom looked back and I was the exact same length at 2 months.
I was worried about the shots, but she did good and only cried right when they were given and was ealiy consoled when I picked her up. When I took the bandaids off, she had a bruise where she got each prick, poor baby. :(
Poor little legs.
Oh, and notice all the drool on her shirt...she has been drooling and blowing spit bubbles like crazy the last few days!