Monday, June 20, 2011

Abby's 2 month appointment

Abby had her 2 month appointment today. Everything checked out great. Here are her stats:
Length: 24 inches (97%)
Weight: 11.1 pounds (50%)
Head: 15 1/8 (75%)
So she is a long thin baby so far. I knew she was long, but I can't belive she has grown over 3 inches since she was born, wow! My mom looked back and I was the exact same length at 2 months.
I was worried about the shots, but she did good and only cried right when they were given and was ealiy consoled when I picked her up. When I took the bandaids off, she had a bruise where she got each prick, poor baby. :(
Poor little legs.
Oh, and notice all the drool on her shirt...she has been drooling and blowing spit bubbles like crazy the last few days!

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