Friday, December 19, 2014

Santa's (not so) big fan

Ellie is still terrified of Santa. Poor thing was literally shaking!

Ellie at 13 months!

Ellie is growing and changing so fast! She is such a chatterbox and tries to repeat everything we say!  Her fav words she says on her own are:
All done
Thank you
Uh oh 
Nods head no- says nuh uh
Muddy paws- her favorite book
She loves to play in the playroom sign Abby.  She loves the kitchen and the babies.  Today I saw her get a baby, put it in the high chair, walk over to the kitchen and get a baby cup and walk over and pretend to feed it to her baby.  She also loves to push the stroller about. She is very opinionated and will let you know if she doesn't want something by screaming, arching her back...she holds her own! She is very curious and a good listener.  She is busy, but I wouldn't say hyper.  She loves to look at books and will sit it a basket of books looking through them by herself for at lease 15 minutes, maybe longer.  She loves to eat!  Her favorite foods are: oranges, blueberries, watermelon, cottage cheese,  veggie straws....and anything we are eating.  She is not the best sleeper still and still doesn't always sleep through the  night.  She is such a little joy and charms everyone everywhere we go!