Tuesday, May 26, 2015

Whoo hoo!

Ellie went tee tee in the potty tonight! :)

Friday, May 15, 2015

Ellie at 18 months

18 months is one of my favorite ages.  I love to see the new things Ellie leans and picks up on every day.  Here are some things about Ellie at 1.5 years old.
*she loves Elsa- she used to say it "All-ah" but in the past few days she has started to say it right.  The other day at the store she saw an Elsa dress and she got really excited and said "Elsa" and the stated singing "goooooo".
*she wants to do everything Carter and Abby do.  She will follow behind them and try to copy what they say.
*she loves to swing.  She loves for me to push her back in the swing and I saw "one" and she says "two" then I say "three" and I let her go and she shrieks!
* she talks alllll the time! Some of my favorite things she says are:
-buckabee (unbuckle me)
-hold you
-whyyyyyy- when you ask her to do something often times she says "why??" Even will
Use the hand gestures.
-yes!!! Very excited 
-no!  Said her authoritative 
-roni ( her favorite food macaroni and cheese)
-nack (snack), wadoo (water)
-love you
-brush teeth
-ummmm- when she is trying to decide something- like picking out a paci- which she calls her ni-ni)
-love you
-wet (when she spilled water on herslef)
-pants, shoes, sock, bow, diaper
-hands, feet, nose, head, hair, eye (she was sick a few weeks ago and kept telling me her "eye hurt" turns out she had strep and prob had a headache)
-Abby, Ellie (looks in the mirror and days Ellie and tonight she wanted something and she kept saying Ellie to let us know she wanted it), bubba, mommy, daddy, hampbell(Campbell) huddy (Hudson) colt,
Cody, pops, ma, Meemaw, wig-wee (wrigley)
She says so many words I couldn't write them alll down and communicates ber well.
*she can open doors and does
It all the time!
-she loves to go up and down steps, the big slides at the park and to climb.  She is cautious yet brave.
- she loves to color and draw/write on things. 
*she knows her way around the iPad and IPhone.  For about 2 months she has been able to turn the phone on and find the icon for pictures and look at them.  Now she can also turn the camera on and point it and say cheese and take a picture.  She also can find the music icon and then the frozen soundtrack on.  Her favorite game on the iPad is "Find My Fish" and if you tell her to she cab scroll though the apps just to find it.
*she is really good at simple puzzles.
* she still loves to read and will sit in that chair and look throug books for a good 20 minutes and read to herself.
*she is getting bigger!  At her 18 month allpointent she was 31.5 inches long and 21.8 pounds.  She wears a size 5 shoe.
*she can stack 8 blocks
-she puts fee clothes in the hamper after bath every night.  She also looooves to throw things away in the trash.
She is a funny little girl and always a hot
To be around!!