Sunday, January 31, 2010

Carter says

*Carter got a Cabbage Patch Kid for Christmas from cousin Stacy. He loves to change his diaper. He always says, "He pooped in his diaper." The first time he "changed" his diaper, he look off his diaper, turned him over and said, "Him butt look weird." We are working on saying bottom instead of butt (which before this I had never heard him say), but I thought it was sooo funny!
*The other day Carter came up to me and was going to hit me with a toy. Before he could hit me, I said, "If you hit me with that, I am going to take it away." He stopped and said, "Nevermind" and walked away.
*I turnede a movie on, but failed to turn the surround sound on, so Carter said, "Mommy, I can't listen!"
*When we were on the way to the pool, Carter said, "I not a Mermaid. Emma and Ella are mermaids, but I not, I a fishie."

Carter says and does so many things that I think are funny lately and I am going to try to document them, for my memory's sake!

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