Sunday, January 23, 2011

Donuts and a basketball game

Carter and I went to see Colt play in his school basketball tournament yesterday. On the way there, I told him we would stop for donuts. He hadn't had donuts in a long time and was sooooo excited. He told me he wanted 4. I let him get 2 and told him he could have more after he finished those.
He chose this huge glazed twist donut and devoured the whole thing so quickly!
Then he ate his sprinkle donut, well just the top off! So funny!
Colt's team won the tournament and Colt did an awesome job! I was sooooo proud of him! After the game, Carter wanted to sit in front of the "C" on the bleachers!
Carter did not want a picture with Colt, so this is the best I I am using my old camera so the quality is not good!

1 comment:

Erica said...

Wow! They've made major improvements to that gym!! Carter's hair is cute!