Thursday, September 15, 2011

22 weeks

I am feeling a little uninspired about doing these weekly posts, but I am determined to have 52 pictures to make a fun collage when she turns alas, here are this weeks pictures.
She was not in a smiley mood, these teeth (or the one tooth I see) are really making her a drooling, snotty and clingy mess. She wants to be held most all the time when we are at home. Now when we are out and about, she is great....I guess she has a lot if entertainment. She is back to sleeping all night, so that is wonderful! I think the pictures below are a pretty true representation of Miss Abby right now.
She loves to put her dress in her mouth....not very ladylike!
She is always grabbing her feet!
She loves to stand! I keep saying she is going to walk before she crawls, because ALL she wants to do is stand!
She chews on everything! She grabs whatever is in my hand and tries to get it in her mouth. She even loves my hair!

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