Sunday, September 4, 2011

Labor Day at the Lake

Kris' parents came into town and up to the lake so we went to meet them there. The big time bummer was that the lake was CLOSED because of a blue algae outbreak, so we spent a lot of time playing games, swinging on the swing and riding in the golf cart/gator. I didn't take many pictures, but here are a few that I did get!
Carter LOVES riding around in the gator. If you look closely around his neck you will see his lanyard with his flashlight and keys on it. Kris knows Carter so well....he picked him out that suprise at Wal Mart and Carter loved it!
Such a sweet daddy.
Abby and Meemaw
And perhaps the biggest news of the trip, this little one got a tooth! I felt it Saturday and sure enough there is a little tooth coming out of her gums! I took this picture right after I felt it for the first time. It's really not big enough to photograph yet, but it sure does explain all the drool!!

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