Thursday, September 29, 2011

24 weeks

This has been a big week of firsts for Miss Abby Paige! She had her first cracker at the Cracker Barrel and her first taste of Cheerios! She LOVED them both! I am finding that she loves to eat things that she can chew! She is still not too keen on baby cereal or baby food in general. Last night I gave her some cut up green beans from our dinner and she loved those.
This week I can say she is officially an independant sitter. She has been sitting up with assistance and by herself some, but on Wednesday, I just saw it click! We were at story time at the library and she sat up by herself the whole time! I watched her catch herself when she leaned too far back or too far forward. She loves it and I can tell she feels so big and so proud of herself!
She is still having seperation anxiety and is weary of strangers. I feel like she notices where I am all the time. If I leave her line of vision she will fuss. She turns it right off when I reappear. She will sometimes let smoeone else hold her if she is in the mood, but the only people she really feels comfortable with are Kris, my mom and my aunt. She is so aware of everything going on around her and just takes it all in!
When I am holding her I feel like I am holding a little monkey because she grabs everything I am holding as well as everything I pass by. She loves my hair and my necklace. She would love to get her hands on my phone!
She is still an awesome sleeper and is ready for bed between 6:30 and 7 and she sleeps throught the night until between 7:30 and 8 in the morning. She is in the best mood when she wakes up and gives the biggest smiles I have ever seen. Usually when I walk in she will smile and then stick her tounge out and blow rasberries at me!
Naps during the day are a different story. Because I am on the go so much, her napping schedule is not down and she often fights naps, I think she doesn't want to miss out on what's going on!
I am still nursing and she eats about every 3-4 hours. I kinda stay on a schedule, but mostly read her cues. She will let me know when she's hungry!
I had a lot of fun taking her picture this week, she was in such a good mood, so there is a little picture overload!
I love that you can see her little teeth in this picture!

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