Sunday, January 4, 2015

Ellie at 14 months

HahaEllie turned 14 months on theist day of 2014.  She is at such a fun age!  She is learning and doing new things each day.  Here is airtime about Miss E!
*she is very verbal.  Her list of words include:
All done
Uh oh 
Dog dog ( says whoof whoof when you ask what they say)
Poo poo (has even been telling me when she goes) 
Uh uh
Mmmaw (Meemaw)
Calls colt bubba- haha
And that's all I can think of off the too of my head but there is prob more. She tired to repeat everything we say as well as babble her one sentences.  One day I need to write down evey thing she says.  She also puts words together.  When I said we are going to take a bath, she says "bath, water, bath, water" she likes to repeat herself a lot!
-she loves books.  I will often times find her sitting with a basket of books looking through each one intently.  Slowly turning each back and carefully looking at each picture.  She loves to point at pictures in the book.  She also loves me to read to her.  She will bring me a book and let me know that she wants in my lap and wants to read.
*she loves the iPad and my phone!  That's another word she said- "phome" when she gets my phone she knows how to slide her finger to turn it on and also knows how to click on aps.  So funny.  She loves to go to the camper and take picturs of herself like this: 
*she loves to eat! Her favorite food are: blueberries, blackberries, raspberries, applesauce, green beans, Mac&cheese, cottage cheese, bananas, strawberries, turkey, pizza and anything we are eating!
*she loves her bubba and sissy, though I can already see her trying to pick on her sissy....she tried to copy everything that they do!
*she is still a petite thing.  I think she has even gotten slimmer since she's been on the move so much.  He size 3 diapers are still pretty big on her.  She is wearing 6/12 month clothes mostly. She is getting more hair and it is crazy hair! :). All never and scraggly- I think I need to get it cut to even it out!
*she is very aware of what is going on around her and doesn't miss much!  Wheni tell her we need to change her diaper she will go in her room and lay down.  I feel like she understands just about everything we say.  She san follow commands like " go get me a book"
*she has a lite temper. She knows what she wants and she will throw a fit if she doesn't get what she wants.
*she is very Independant, but she has also started to be a mamas girl lately x. If
I am not around she will say mama and look for me.  I know this will change soon so I am trying to appreciate it. :)
It is so much fun to see her grow and develop.  I can wait to see what next month has in store!

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