Thursday, July 7, 2011

12 weeks

This week Abby started sleeping over 12 hours! Last night she went to bed at 7:45 and didn't wake up until 8:30. I don't know if the summer heat is wearing her out or what, but I'll take it. While her night time sleeping is great, the daytime still consists of mostly catnaps. I feel the only schedule she has is her eating schedule. This probably has to do with the fact that I am on the go almost all the time, so most of her naps are in her carseat.
She is still just as chatty as every and just loves to coo and give us huge smiles. I feel like her little legs never stop kicking and she love to look around everywhere. Pictures on her tummy have become almost impossible because she rolls to her back the second I put her on her tummy. She has discovered her hands and I find her sucking her thumb a lot. She also loves to stare at her feet. Her little toes are always flexed out.
She really is a good long as she is being held or looked at. She gets pretty grumpy when she thinks she is alone- just a little high matinence
The photo shoot his week was a little lame, but I figure 3 months is coming up soon, so I will do an extra special one then!

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