Thursday, July 28, 2011

15 weeks

This week....

Abby has started grabbing things. She is still working at it and doesn't have it perfected, but she is able to grab onto things. She often times takes out her paci, and yesterday I watched her try to get it back into her mouth, but she couldn't quite do it.
She is a mama's girl! She will often cry when other people hold her.....then turn it off as soon as I am holding her again.
She still LOVES her baths! Tonight I took out the sling in the tub and she loved it. SHe would stretch out her legs in the water and watch them as she curled them up and stretched them out again. She also scootched herself down in the tub so her ears were under the water and she liked that too.
She has started sucking on her bottom lip. I am afraid that means that a tooth might be coming in.....hope not!
Abby smiles all the time. she gives the best huge open mouth smiles.
Abby got sick for the first time time this week. It was the saddest thing. She got a stomch bug that we all got and she was throwing up and everything, She was so good, not even fussy even though she felt horrible.
On that same note, she really hardly ever fusses or gets upset. The only time she really gets upset is if she is left out of site of smoeone for too long (this includes car rides) or if she is really hungry.
She still loves her "Superhero" big brother, though today I had to say the words, "Carter did you put a key in your sister's mouth?" She's going to be a tough girl!

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