Friday, July 8, 2011

The trip that (almost) never was

Kris' parents were planning to spend the week at the lake an so they wanted Carter to spend a few nights there with them without us. We were planning to leave him on Monday, but his parents ended up having to go to a funeral on Tuesday, so the plan was for them to come and get him on Wednesday. Carter was nervous about going by himself, but I really tried to talk it up. I even bought him a new Sonic (the hedgehog- yes, he's still around) movie to bring with him to watch there.
Carter was all excited to go, but when I put him in the car, I could see things might not go as planned. He got a really sad look on his face as her was telling me goodbye an looked so sad as they drove off (break my heart). After they drove off, I out Abby down for a nap and went into the garage to vacuum my car out. As I am working away, I hear the sounds of a diesel truck behind me and I jumped! They were back. The only got a few miles down the road when Carter said he wanted to go back home. They unloaded the car and went back (1 1/2 hours)to the lake. Carter told me he didn't want to go because he would miss me too much. I told him I would miss him too, but he would have been okay and would have had a lot of fun. I also told him he wouldn't be able to watch that Sonic movie he picked out since it was only to watch at the lake.
That night Kris' parents said they wanted to try it again, and so did Carter. So after a day of swimming fun, I met them about halfway. Carter was nervous once again, but went with them (after I gave him $2-ha!). Later that day I got pictures of him on the boat tubing and having a good time.
It was a learning lesson for him (and me- I don't like him gone) and I anticipate many more fun times at the lake with the grandparents.

1 comment:

The Rodriguez Crew said...

It is amazing to me how they go thru the same stages at the exact same time!! Same drill around here, he won't leave my side! He talks a big game then chickens out! The $2 made me laugh!

Also, I cant believe how good of a swimmer he is, what a lucky boy having a swim teacher for a mama! I don't let Jagger wear anything either, bc he has to learn! But you're so right, not worth the chance. Plus, I don't ever want him to get so freaked out that he develops a fear!

Loved the new posts!!!