Wednesday, October 24, 2007

Poor Fenway

Well, we finally got a diagnosis for Fenway ($1,000 later). She has been diagnosed with a very rare (the vet clinic only has 3 patients with this, and Fenway is one of them) disease called Addison's Disease. (Hey, at least it has a cute name). The definition is
" Addison’s disease (hypoadrenocorticism) is caused by a lower than normal production of hormones, such as cortisol, by the adrenal glands. The adrenals are small glands that are located near the kidneys. Adrenal hormones are necessary to control salt, sugar and water balance in the body." I think it explains why she has been so sickly her whole life, anyway,
when we brought her in she was in shock, on her deathbed basically. Her body temp was low, her heart was barely beating, and she couldn't walk. She was down to 18 pounds (normal weight is 25). After they did tons of tests including an x-ray, they were clueless as to the problem. Well, Monday night we had to take her to the Emergency Vet to spend the night, and the vet there wanted to run an electrolyte test. Kris said, don't do it, if it needs to be done, our vet will do it. Well, they did it anyway and this is what led our vet to test her for this disease. Thank goodness, they didn't listen to Kris! The results came back positive today, and the doctor gave her a shot and said that she should make a dramatic recovery. She will hopefully live a long, healthy life, but will have to have a shot every 3-4 weeks, that costs $65. I told Kris she's better be on her best behavior! Anyway, I just wanted to give you an update, and hopefully Fennie will be back to her old self in no time!

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