We headed to Grandbury for Thanksgiving woth grandmother on Thanksgiving day. The weather was beautiful and we had a great time!

My view from the back seat. Yes, my life has come to me sitting in the back seat so that Abby can see me, ha!

Miss priss

Uncle Cody and Carter. Carter LOVES hanging out with his uncles!

Daddy's girl!

Playing with Carter's "guys". Just so you know, Carter's guys are always the good guys and they are always the strongest and therefore they always win!

Turkey dinner! Rolls are Carter's favorite!

Colt likes everything!

Austin digging in!

Abby's first Thanksgiving dinner.

Turkey cookie thing that Cody brought. His friend has a company that sells these.

No Thanksgiving is complete without some football!

Whoops Austin!


Mmmmm, leaves!

This year Abby is Thankful for: pacis, Carter, anything she can get in mouth, her bed, puffs and her big brother.

Carter is Thankful for: "my daddy, my toys, trucks, my friend Cade, my Spiderman mask, my baby sister, my Christmas tree and that's a lot of things!"

Love them!

Walking with Uncle Austin to the river. He tried to talk everyone to walk down there with him. He said it was like camping, ha!


Me and my boy.

The river is so low!

As we were walking back up from the river, Colt saw this line of ants. It went all the way down the hill to their mound. It was amazing how they were walking in a straight line and carrying objects bigger than them back down the hill. Amazing teamwork. Colt and Carter were amazed. It was so cool to stop and see the little things.

My family. This picture makes me happy. My mom took a bunch of slack for having to take it, but I am so glad we did!

Carter, Austin, Collins, Cody and Colt. Colt is the youngest, but the tallest

My family

Playing ball with daddy

Uncle Jack, Donna, Jasmine and Collins

Abby and her great grandmother.