I LOVE this age! She is pretty much always smiling and learning and growing so much every day! Here are some things about my SEVEN month old!
She is always drooling! Kris calls her drooly because it's so bad. I either have to have a bib on her or change her clothes several times a day....I tend to just change her clothes because I don't like the way bibs look, but if she's wearing something I really like, I will out a bib on her at home or in the car....never in public though, gasp!
She is also always sticking her tounge out and blowing rasberries. It's like her form of communication, ha! Still no words, but I can see the wheels a turnin in her head!
Abby is getting a little better about sitting and playing independantly. If I catch her at a good time I can sit her down and leave her vision, but once she sees me again, it's back to fussing. She wants someone by her at all time.....what a diva! She is not crawling (mostly because the lack of being put down I think) or pulling up, but can stand holdng onto something if you put her there.
I am still not being too consistant with baby food. She does love crackers and puffs. She also like peas and edamame that she can feed herself. She still nurses 4-5 times a day and sleeps from 7-7. She takes catnaps that are inconsistant...this is my fault for being on the go so much!
She still just has 2 teeth on the bottom, but I think more may be coming soon.
She still loves the water and loves to splash!
She is ticklish and loves kisses and is just as sweet as can be!
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