Saturday, September 15, 2012

17 months

 Mercy me, I can't believe Abby is 17 months already!  She is getting so big so fast and she is at that fun age where she seems to be doing new things ALL the time.  She understands everythin we say and has the happiest little personality.  She smiles and waves at everyone she sees and I sweat makes people smile just by looking at her.  I know I am totally biased and think she is adorable, but I everyone who sees her has to tell me how cute she is too!  She is such a joy!  Here are some things I don't want to forget about Abby ay 17 months old.
 She already loves baby dolls.  She loves to cover ber baby up with blankets, pretend to put lotion on her baby, take the baby's pacifier in and out (and then put it in her own mouth), feed the baby.  It so cute!  She also loves real babies.  The other day at Cickfila she was so interested in a tiny baby she saw there.
 She loves to sing.  Anytime she is upset all I have to do is sing (and I don't have a good singing voice) and she will calm down.  She loves to try and sing along with you as well.  Carter always sings this basketball song and she always goes along with her.  She will try her best to go along with any sone she hears, even if it's just a humm.  When you sing twinkle, twinkle and teh  itsy bitsy spider she does the gestures on her own.  Yesterday in the back seat I heard her singing, "Shhh, shhh, shhh, baby, bus, all town."  There was some jibberish in between, but I definatly made out those words and that tune.  Kris said the other day in the car her was listening to Thhe Smiths and turned it off and onto The Ticket and she started screaming until he turned the music back on.
 She is picking up words every day.  Her teachers can't believe how well she communicates with out using all the words.  She still talks a lot of jibberish, but she is starting to repeat things you say.  Words she consistanly uses and are understandable are:  dog, yeah (said VERY enthusiastically), bubba, Wriggy (wrigley), dog, bow, bath,uhoh,  dada, ma, buh (what she calls Colt), nack (snack), nods her head no (she does this to asking for a hug/kiss too), ball, bird, when counting will say two after you say one......and that's all I can think of right now.  I have a feeling next month this list will be longer!
She can identify:  hands, feet, hair, eyes, ears, nose, tounge, teeth, bellybutton, legs and pretty much evry object. She can follow pretty much any simple instruction you give her.  Her teachers at school say she has already figures out the routine and anticipates what they are going to do next.  The teacer will call them to circle and she will be the first to sit down next to the teacher, and she is by far the youngest in the class, most of her classmates are already turning two!
 She is still pretty petite.  She can fianlly reach the door handles and thinks she is so cool because she can now open doors all by herself!  She is wearing a size 3 shoe in length, but we are often times buying a 4 because she foot is so fat- as in tall fat if that makes sense!  She is wearing a size 3 diaper and mostly 12-18 month clothes.  He hair is getting long enough to do fun things with and she is just now getting pretty good about keeping her bow in!
 She as become a picky eater. :/  Some of her favs are:  hummus, cheese its, turkey, yogurt, donuts, baby food pouches, candy :/, pizza, chicken fried rice, refried beans, milk, water, string cheese.
 She loves Carter adn wants to do everything he does.  She copies his every move.  She thinks everything he has must be better!  If I put her milk in one of his cups, she will drink it better than in hers!  She wants everything he has and to be just like him.  While she looves him, if he dare sit in her chair, have something she wants, she is sure to yelll her high pitched scream to get what she wantes back!
 She LOVES stuffed animals!  Anywhere we go, if she see one, she has to have it!  She will walk around the house carring as many as she can!
 She is a pretty cautious baby.  She thinks about things before she does them.  She still doesn't like to go down steps and will sit down to scoot down the tiniest of steps!  She hates anything with an incline. She's also a good listener so far!  When I tell her no she generally stops what she is doing and whe I call her she comes back to me.  We will see how long that lasts!

She loves to weat neclace and bracelets!  Se also loves to walk around with a purse or case of some sort and to take the stuff out and put it back in then walk around with it on her arm or in her hand.
She is such a joy and we are having such fun with her!

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