Saturday, August 16, 2014

9 months

Ellie is at such a fun age!  I just Love this age!  Here are aome things about Ellie at 9 months!
- she ha super inquisitive! Since she has mastered crawling she is in to everything! She especially loves to get to things she knows she's not supposed to get to like the dog bowls, Abby's night light and my scent plug ins. She is also able to find an tiny object that may be on ground (paper, hair bands etc) and puts them straight in her mouth!
- she is super into giving wrinkly nose smiles to everyone.  It's so cute!
-she says dada with meaning. When kris comes in the room she will shout "daDA" she also tied to say cracker (ta-ter), dog, good girl.  When you tell her to shake she will shake whatever she is holding. She dances on que and if you say "be a sweet baby" she will lay her head on your chest.
- she is the exact same size Abby was at this age, 18 pounds (45%) and 28 inches (75%).
- she has a temper- she can turn it right on and off.
- she's a bit of a mamas girl right now...she lives her daddy though.
-she loves to pull up on anything and everything
- she sleeps about 12 house at night (-7-) abs loves to take a long morning nape around 9. 
-she is still nursing every 3-4 hours.  She loves to eat all kinds if other food: crackers, yougurt, applesauce, bananas, strawberries, avocado, Cheerios, nutra grain bars, green beans....and pretty much anything we are eating....
- she has 2 teeth on the bottom and is getting all 4 top teeth at the same time.
- she loves anything musical.  She loves to play her little xylephone and pat her drum.  She uses all sort of things to bag the, balls etc
-she loves to play peek a boo- cover her head and she loves to uncover it.
 She is such a sweet, go with the flow baby.  She gets drug everywhere and she pretty much just goes with it!!

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