Wednesday, November 5, 2014

My sweet one year old

I can't believe my sweet baby is one whole year old!  I have been trying to soak up this time because I know after they turn one they quickly go from seeming like a baby to being a toddler almost overnight.  She is at such a cute age and I love it.  Here are some things about Ellie at one year.
- she has 6 teeth.  4 on top and 2 on bottom, but at the moment she is getting the other 2 bottom 2 and mee top back 2. Teething has been rough for her and has led to some sleepless nights.
-she seems petite to me.  She wears a size 3 diaper and 6/12 months clothes.  She wears a size 3 shoe.
-she loves to eat!  Her favs are green beans, any fruit (bananas, strawberries, blueberries) oranges are her fav, veggie straws, turkey, cottage cheese, string cheese- really anything we give her! She still nurses a few times a day.
- she loves animals.  Anytime she sees an animal she pants like a dog.  I think she thinks all animals are dogs.
- she is very Independant.  She will crawl away from me and bit worry where I am.
-she has quite a few words: all done, thank you, mama, dada, bubba. Uh oh.  She waves good bye, claps on command or any time she hears the word yay and nods. She knows where her hair is and where her bow is.
- She is a girl that knows what she wants when she wants it and gets mad if her demands aren't met.
- she loves her big bro and sis and they can always make her laugh.
- she loves to dance (and really seems drawn to music) and will dance any time she hears music.
She really is a joy!  We just love her!

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