Thursday, June 14, 2012

14 months

 Abby is growing and changing so fast!  She is at that age where I feel like she is like a little sponge taking everything in!  She is still not walking, but I know she is on the verge, she just needs to get a bit of bravery!  Abby is still a happy and easy baby.  Her sleeping is a little off as she has been getting up sometimes at night, but is pretty quick to go back to sleep.
 Abby is saying a few words:  dog, mama, dada, yeah, there it is (clustered together), paci, water (she say this very drawn out.
She can identify her bellybutton, nose, eyes and bow
 She is an pkay eater.  I feel like she is already getting picky. :/   The best way for me to get her veggies is with the squeeze pouches of fruit/veggies.  She eats them right up.  Other food she likes are:  cheese, yogurt, chicken nuggets, grapes, pb sandwiches, cheese its, cheerios, cereal bars, turkey, pizza, refired beans and prettty much anything we are eating.
 Abby loves her big brother and wants to do everything he is doing!  She loves to swim and goes underwatrer and does underwater passes with ease.
 She will walk if assisted!  She loves her push toy and walking with her big brother!

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