Monday, July 7, 2014

Ellie at 8 months

Ellie is at such a fun age!  It seems like she learns something new everyday.  Here are some things are Ellie at 8 months.
-she has her 2 bottom teeth
-she can clap
-she can pull up by herself
-she can go from laying down to sitting up
- she is sooooo close to crawling.  She gets in all fours and rocks, will go Forward with one hand and then get scared and sit back down. 
- she is very loud!  She's ways making some sort if noise- either babbling: dadada.
- she loves to eat, but I still don't give her a ton of food.  She still nurses ever 3-4 hours. So far she loves: crackers, puffs, bananas, avocado, Cheerios, strawberries, cheese, grapes, cantaloupe
- she wears a size 2 diaper and 3/6 and 6/12 month clothes

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