Wednesday, July 16, 2014

The sweetest big brother and big sister

I just want to take a second to reflect in how great Carter and Abby have been with their new baby sister.  
- let's starts with Carter.  He is so aware of everything Ellie is doing.  He loves to hold her and if she is crying, he will always talk to her or sing to her.  She lights up when she sees him.  He talks in the sweetest voice to her.  Recently he was so excited by her crawling!  He tells everyone he sees about how she can crawl and that she has 2 teeth.  He is very sensitive and sentimental about her too.  Today his iPod was broken so we had to take it to the Apple store to get replaced.  Well, I forgot to back it up before we left and he had video he had taken of her crawling in it...he told
Me that he didn't want a new iPode bc he didn't want to loose that video.  I thought that was so sweet. 
- Now Abby has a but different relationship with Ellie.  It is one that is mixed with jealousy.  Like Carter, anytime she starts crying she immedialty attends to her giving her her paci, it singing: "Ellie Cate, I love Ellie Cate, Ellie Cate, she's a sweet, sweet girl"'or "Ellie, Ellie, eh, eh, eh eh Ellie, Ellie, Ellie she's a sweet sweet girl" 
She always calls her sweet girl and is always giving her hugs and kisses.
Ellie is one loved baby sister!

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