Tuesday, April 29, 2008

The center of attention....

Tonight Carter was the center of attention among Uncle Colt's friends. I though this photo op was too cute to pass up.

Pictures from mimi's memory card

Today while I was at my mom's house I stole some random pictures from her memory card. :)

Oldie but goodie

Carter loves pushing around this old Cabbage Patch Kid train that was Uncle Cody's 23 years ago. He has so much fun with it. It is defiantly an "oldie but goodie."

Can't "beat" it.....

Licking the beaters after Mimi's made mashed potatoes!

Monday, April 28, 2008

Dear Jessica

mommy and Colin's mommy

A wild bunch of ladies

Dear Jessica,
I hope that you had a fun birthday. I heard that you had a party at Loft 610. That sounds like a cool place. My only problem is that my mommy came home really late that night and she was a little grouchy the next morning when I was up at 6:30. I also don't really approve of these pictures I found, she needs to be more responsible. Next time y'all need to stick with La Madeleine. You are all teachers for goodness sakes.
P.S. You'd better come to my party and I will show you a good time!

Saturday, April 26, 2008

Awesome painting!

My talented friend Shawna made Carter this painting to display each year for his birthday. When she showed it to me yesterday, I was amazed! I LOVE it! I told her she should go into business! I am so excited to have it for a birthday tradition every year! Thank you Shawna!

Wednesday, April 23, 2008

Standing up!

Carter has really started to stand on his own! Today when we were out front playing, he would stand up and clap for himself. It was so cute. Then tonight he was taking 3-4 steps back and forth between Kris and me. He's going to be walking everywhere in no time!

Tuesday, April 22, 2008

Bath time and dada"

When it was time for Carter's bath tonight, I said, "Carter do you want to take a bath?" He looked at me and said "Ba" and promtly crawled into the bathroom (we were in the kitchen) and pulled up onto the bathtub and kept shouting "ba, ba, ba". I quickly grabbed my video camera- sorry no photos. I was SO impressed! He amazes me each day!
Another thing he has started doing recently is he will start saying "da,da" when I turn into the alley each day coming home. I KNOW he is anticipating seeing Kris. Maybe those prenantal vitamins with DHA really did work...........

Sunday, April 20, 2008

New truck!

Yesterday at Target Kris and Carter picked out a new truck! It even makes real "truck" noises". Carter loves playing with it! "Daddy and I picked out this new toy!"
" I like to spin the tires!"

"I like to crawl and push it too!"

Ft Worth Zoo Run!

Saturday Erica, Stacy , Carter and I ran in the Ft. Worth Zoo 5k. Stacy and I got on the road well before 6, and I noticed that even Starbucks was closed as I left my house! After dealing with some CRAZY drivers (one man was using his hazzards as a turn signal) we made it to Ft. Worth and just happened to find ourselves right behind Erica's car- what are the chances? We found a pretty good parking spot and headed off the the race. We got there plenty early and were able to do the aerobic workout and listen to TV weatherwoman Rebecca Miller talk about animal conservation. After a potty break in the lovely porta-potties and a quick change for Carter, we were ready to start. As we headed towards the start line we didn't realize how many people were there, but as we stood and waited for the starting gun we realized that we couldn't even see the starting line because we were SO far away! When we finally made it to the starting line the race had already been going for well over 4 minutes (good thing we had our chip timers). The first part of the run went through the zoo and it was majorly congested with people. I could hardly run because I was laughing so hard at Erica running into people and almost falling with the stroller. I did a good job of keeping up with Erica and Stacy until we hit the first big hill. I then begged them to go on without my slow self! Erica (pushing Carter) and Stacy went on and I enjoyed the pretty run (with a few walking breaks) by myself. Stacy kept up with Erica for about another mile and then Erica "took off like a gizzel" as Stacy said. So needless to say, Erica and Carter finished first, then Stacy, then me. After we were all finished we stocked up on freebies and then walk to Panera for some much needed caffeine. It was a very fun time and hopefully next time I can keep up! Chip timers
Carter all ready!

Running buddies

I let Carter have a Twinkie I got as a freebies and he loved it!!

Friday, April 18, 2008

Kickin it old school!

Today Carter kicked it old school, well old school for him..........late 90's. He wore a shirt, with matching hat, that used to belong to Uncle Colt. It was then passed to Caden, the Carson, and now he has it!!

Sunday, April 13, 2008

Lunch with Missy and Colin

Today Carter and I met Missy and baby Colin at Jason's Deli. It was great to catch up and I got the treat of holding tiny Colin. It seems so long ago that Carter was that tiny. So sweet! It's amazing the difference 9 months makes! Carter was very interested in Colin. He kept putting his hand on Colin's carseat. Maybe he will be a good big brother someday! Carter liked to eat his ice cream backwards!
"I wish I could get closer to this baby!"

We're going to be good friends one day!


Saturday night Kris had his monthly poker tournament at our house, so we were kicked out of the house! Tolson and J'Layne were kind enough to share their Dallas Desperado tickets they won at the job fair with me and Carter. Carter loved the game. He sat watching in awe clapping and dancing. We had a great time! Mommy and Carter watching the game.
J'Layne and Tolson......it was dark and I only had my old, yucky camera!

Happy birthday Addison!

Saturday we went to Addison's first birthday party! Addison's mommy and I were pregnant together at school. It was a great time for Carter to get to play with other babies. He loved it! We can't wait to get together with these friends this summer! Carter with a ball he found at the party. He threw it pretty much the whole time!
Addison loved her cake!

Carter was so tired after the party he fell asleep with his bottle in his hand!


Saturday moring since Kris was not feeling well, I surprised him with donuts. This is a VERY rare occasion in our house, so I decided to let Carter in on the fun. Let's just say that Carter LOVED his first donut! This is yummy!
Can you tell I like it?

I like the chocolate part the best.

I gave the rest to the dogs.

Arboretum Adventure!

Erica and the crew had the day off on Friday, so I took a personal day and we spent the day at the Dallas Arboretum. It was quite the adventure, but we were blessed with beautiful weather. I took over 200 picts, but I have only included 13 below! Carson, Colt, Emma, Ella, Carter and Carson ready to see some pretty flowers!
I love the look on Carson's face!

Carter was a happy boy! He went all day without a nap!


The whole gang!

Emma and Ella.

Looking at the huge fish!

The girls both wanted in the same stroller!

Gram and Carter

Carter was so tired he fell asleep sitting up!

I felt SO bad that Carter got his first sunburn! It didn't seem that bright......