Sunday, April 20, 2008

Ft Worth Zoo Run!

Saturday Erica, Stacy , Carter and I ran in the Ft. Worth Zoo 5k. Stacy and I got on the road well before 6, and I noticed that even Starbucks was closed as I left my house! After dealing with some CRAZY drivers (one man was using his hazzards as a turn signal) we made it to Ft. Worth and just happened to find ourselves right behind Erica's car- what are the chances? We found a pretty good parking spot and headed off the the race. We got there plenty early and were able to do the aerobic workout and listen to TV weatherwoman Rebecca Miller talk about animal conservation. After a potty break in the lovely porta-potties and a quick change for Carter, we were ready to start. As we headed towards the start line we didn't realize how many people were there, but as we stood and waited for the starting gun we realized that we couldn't even see the starting line because we were SO far away! When we finally made it to the starting line the race had already been going for well over 4 minutes (good thing we had our chip timers). The first part of the run went through the zoo and it was majorly congested with people. I could hardly run because I was laughing so hard at Erica running into people and almost falling with the stroller. I did a good job of keeping up with Erica and Stacy until we hit the first big hill. I then begged them to go on without my slow self! Erica (pushing Carter) and Stacy went on and I enjoyed the pretty run (with a few walking breaks) by myself. Stacy kept up with Erica for about another mile and then Erica "took off like a gizzel" as Stacy said. So needless to say, Erica and Carter finished first, then Stacy, then me. After we were all finished we stocked up on freebies and then walk to Panera for some much needed caffeine. It was a very fun time and hopefully next time I can keep up! Chip timers
Carter all ready!

Running buddies

I let Carter have a Twinkie I got as a freebies and he loved it!!

1 comment:

Erica said...

Thanks for driving all the way to Fort Worth! I had so much fun!