Thursday, June 12, 2008

Summer is here!

Well, I have yet to blog since my summer break officially began and I think it's because I have been SO busy! I decided to do a few swim lessons this summer and they are all during the first 2 weeks of my summer break! This has been nice because Carter still gets to see my mom a little. I have really enjoyed this week, here are a few highlights....sorry I don't have more pictures!
-We've been swimming 3 times- twice at the Frisco pool and once with Stacy at Rosemeade.
-Carter has started saying- "woof" when asked what the dog says
-Carter can now identify his: head, ear, nose, and shoe
-We have been to Babies and books at the library
-we have been to the Splash pad once
-Carter loves to blow bubbles- in the pool and in the tub!


I love how you can see his pretty brown eyes here. I think they have finally decided to be brown like me- yea!

This is one of the many "bad habbits" that Carter has! Others include playing in the dog's water bowls and throwing everything!

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