Sunday, November 30, 2008

Carter's favorite toy

Carter has been loving playng with this old train! It used to belong to my brothers and has been well loved! All you have to say is, "let's go play with your train" and he will run into his room and begin trying to put the bridge together! He always wants to be the yellow car for some reason. He likes me to drive the train on the track towards him and then he loves to knock my car off of the track. Silly boy! I think a new train may be on his list to Santa this year!

Puzzle Master

Over the past few weeks Carter has really started to enjoy working puzzles. It is so fun to watch him manipulate the pieces into the right spots! What a smart little guy!

Thursday, November 27, 2008

A day to be thankful!

We had a great Thanksgiving this year! We hosted at our house this year! Carter was lucky enough to have both sides of his family all together for this special day! Kris' parents drove in from Katy earlier this week and my parents came over! Cody came in from Austin for a brief appreance before he headed back for the Texas ATM game. We had tons of great food and good conversation! I love that we take a day to be with family and to think about all we are thankful for!

Carter started off the day by watching the Macy's Thankgsgiving Day parade. Carter has been really nice to me over this break and has been sleeping in. He woke up this morning at 9:00, just in time for most of the parade!

Carter got all dressed up in his new clothes and waited for his guests!

He was so excited when Aunt Kristen came. They played with his red car for the longest time! He loved pushing it back and forth on the table. When they finally stopped, he kept trying to take the placemats off the table and play again!

"Here Aunt Kristen. Catch my car!"

"I'm ready!"

"This is so fun!"
"Here is comes again."

Then Ma, Pops, Uncles Cody, Austin and Colt came over. Carter has SO much fun playing football with them!

Uncle Austin watched.

Carter with his Uncles!

Carter barely ate any of his yummy Thanksgivng dinner. Just a few bites of roll.

He didn't really like his personal pumpkin pie that Pops made him either!

He preferred this kind of turkey......

Carter and Uncle Colt

Carter with both of his grandmas

Carter with Ma and Pops

After everyone left Carter took a nap and then we watch football. What a fun day!

Happy Thanksgiving!

We have SO much to be thankful for!

*On a sad note, Carter muct have a little virus. :( He threw up 5 times last night. Once in his highchair, once on the counch and three times in his bed. He seems to be feeling better this morning. Maybe that's why he didn't want to eat more.

Happy Thanksgiving!


Uncle Colt showed Carter how to ride a broom "horse"!


enough said

Sunday, November 23, 2008

new attachment

Carter has always wanted his bunny and paci at night, but he has suddenly formed a greater attachment to them. He now wants to have them ALL the time! I hope this doesn't continue to get worse.....I'll keep you updated!

brown eyed boy

Oh, how I love my brown eyed boy!

A walk down memory lane

When I was taking pictures today, I took this one:

which made me think about this picture I took 16 months ago:

How time changes things, but not everything!

Saturday, November 22, 2008

Chuck E. Cheese!

My school has a fundraiser night a Chuck E. Cheese on Wednesday. I knew Carter would love it! He hasn't been there since he's been old enough to appreciate it. I was right, he loved it!

Ma bought him an ice cream sandwich

He loved playing all the games,

and riding on the rides!