Sunday, November 23, 2008

new attachment

Carter has always wanted his bunny and paci at night, but he has suddenly formed a greater attachment to them. He now wants to have them ALL the time! I hope this doesn't continue to get worse.....I'll keep you updated!


Erica said...

so sweet! I'm sad that we can't meet today too! Originally I was going to have Sam take the boys to the soccer party, and then I could have met you with the girls. However, Sam started to make me feel sad about not seeing Carson get his 1st trophy!

Shawna Nicholson said...

oh chels...the longer you wait to take that paci away..the worst it's going to be. Good luck!

Kara Wilson said...

Thank you so much for your sweet comment on my blog! Your sweet thoughts & prayers mean so much to me. I just love looking at your blog, too! Your Carter is absolutely adorable! And your photography is amazing!!! I just love looking at all of the pictures of your precious little boy! Thanks again for your kind words! :)
Kara Wilson :)

MommyNik said...

He is so precious!! Ever still has his "diddy" but we tell him he can only have it when he goes to sleep. I'm struggling to take it away from him myself ;o)