Friday, October 14, 2011

6 months

6 motnhs is such a fun age! Abby is growing and changing so much every day. Here are some things about Abby at 6 months:
*she is a drooling queen. Kris often calls her Drooly. Within minutes of wearing a new outfit, the front is totally soaked!
*Abby has 2 teeth on the bottom. She likes to chew on everything. Anything she can get her hands on goes straight to her mouth.
*She has been sitting up for sometime now and can stay sitting up pretty much as long as she wants to. She still isn't crawling and isn't really making an effort to.
*Abby likes to be held all the time. I keep saying I don't think she's going to ever crawl, because she refuese to be put down for long enough!
* She LOVES the water. We try to go to the pool twice a week. She flaps her arms and legs in excitement when we walk in! She goes under water with ease and I put her under and even let go for 3 seconds and she just kicks her little feet and comes out of the water withour any coughing or water swallowed. She loves it!
*She wears a size 2 diaper and size 3-6 month clothes. Size 1 shoes are still too big for her feet!
*We still aren't doing much babyfood, but she does love cracker and puffs. She nurses 4-5 times a day.
*Bedtime is aboout 7 and she wakes up about 7 in the morning.
*She LOVES her big brother and will laugh at him like noone else. She is very ticklish, especially on her chubby thighs!
She is such a sweet girl, even if she is high maintainance, we sure do love her!

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