Thursday, December 1, 2011

33 weeks

I haven't done a post like this in a while and I feel like there is so much that Abby is learning and doing! So here goes....
She sleeps from 7-7:30ish. She also takes about 2 naps today. She is ready for a nap about 10 and will sleep about 2 hours and then is ready for another nap around ....but these don't always happen since we are always on the go!
She loves to eat, espceially anything she can feed herself! She loves crackers, Cheerios, puffs, whole peas and edamame. She is doing better with baby food and loves her cereal/fruit in the morning, She is not a huge fan of babyfood veggies and gags at peas and mixed veggies, but I keep giving them to her anyway! She is still nursing 4-5 times a day, but is SOOOOO distacted the whole time! The only times she nurses really well is when she is really tired!
She is seriously the smiliest baby Ihave ever seen. You just glance in her direction and she gets the biggest smile onher face. I love how her whole faces lights up!
She still is constantly drooling! It is out of comtrol! No new teeth yet, still just the bottom two.
She is still a little things. She is wearing a size 2 diaper with plently of growing room. Her clothes are mostly 3-6 months though she can still weat some 0-3 month things. He foot is a size one.
She is such an observant little girl. She loves to take in situations and see what's going on!
She started clapping today! She lso waves byebye. Sometimes with her whole arm, sometimes with just her hand.
Abby is a hugge chatterbox. She is always "talking". She also loves to blow rasberries (her tounge is always sticking out) and makes this new sound with her mouth where she sucks air though her lips. She loves her paci and loves to take it in and out of her mouth and even put it in sideways.
She is SUCH a mama's girl and wants me to hold her ALL the time. She will scream whenI out her down and and soon as I turn to her, she will turn it off. She is getting a little better about playing independantly, but only if she's in a good mood.
I feel like she already has a sense of humor. Sometimes she looks and me like she just gets that I'm being funny. Like when I will put her paci in my mouth (backwards) she will give me a look like, "you're being silly."
She's not crawling yet. When she tolerates being put down and on her stomach, she scoots backwards and will turn in circles.
Miss Abby Paige is at such a fun age and I am loving (almost) every minute!

1 comment:

The Rodriguez Crew said...

Hi!! I'm still reading (every word!), and thank you for being "worried" about me!! haha! You were probably thinking aww, poor girl, she can't juggle 2 kids AND a blog! :) Eeks. You're so good at it! I love these little milestone posts still. But I need a Lilypie ticker with your kids ages (is that too dangerous???), b/c I can NEVER do the math fast enough. ha! I love comparing notes, and especially reading what's to come. Our kids are sooooooooooo much alike!!!