Monday, January 16, 2012

9 months

Abby Paige, you are 9 months old! I can't believe we are three months away from your first birthday! You are an absolute doll and I am loving EVERY minute with you!
You are the sweetest little girl and definatly a mama's girl. That being said, you love your daddy too and loved to play a little game where you reach for me, then reach for him...back and forth until we stop the game!
You love to be out and about and are most always on you best behavior. You rarely cry when we are running errands, you just love to look around and see what's going on. You are great to take shopping and will sit in your stroller most of the time. You love to go out to eat as long as you are eating too!
We call you a little piggy becasue you LOVE to eat. I drug my feet giving you baby food, but you are loving it now and there is no going back! I have started making a lot of your food and I love to do it because I feel like it is so much better for you! Some foods you are eating now are:
blueberries, strawberries, rasberries, blackberries, bananas, apple sauce, cut up green beans, mixed veggies, squash (your favorite), sweet potatoes, crackers, ceral bars, yougurt....really anything I put in front of you , ha!
We have finally gotten in a pretty good routine and I love it, your schedule looks something like this:
7:30ish wake up and nurse and then have playtime/take brother to school
9:30 breakfast- oatmeal and fruit (generally blueberries/bananas. or berry/bananas I puree)
10-12:30ish nap
12:30 nurse and maybe a snack (yougurt or cereal bar, sometimes a veggie)
then playtime/pickup brother....generally a nap in there somewhere, often times in the car....maybe some playtime outside
5:30: dinner- veggie and a fruit
6:00: bath
6:30ish- nurse and then bedtime
You are an awesome sleeper and rarely get up at night. If you do get up, you can find your paci and usuallly just go back to sleep. You move all over your bed at night. You love to cuddle up with your bunny and your puppy, Baby Princess that Carter made you! You have started sleeping you your side most of the time!

You still only have 2 teeth on the bottom. I keep thinkg another one will come, but so far, nothing!
You love to play with your tounge. Sicking it out, wiggling it around, it's pretty funny!
You have yet to crawl, but you are pulling up and cruising along tables. You love to be standing and arch your back when I try to set you down, you want up! I think you may skip crawling as you won't even attempt it! You love to hold onto my fingers and walk around. You really just want to be right in on the action!
You are doing a ton of babbling, but not really making any "words". You say: dada, baba and just make random noises ALL the time.....but nothing is linked to anything!
Your favorite person is your bubbas! You might up when you see him and your eyes follow his every move. He loves you a lot too. He sings to you and speaks so sweetly to you. The other day he went into your room before I could get in there in the morning. I went in your room and her had climbed into your crib and had your diaper. He was trying to change your diaper, haha! He calls you his sissy and always makes sure to tell people how old you are,
You have a few tricks. You wave bye-bye, clap, give your baby doll (and me) kisses on command, and if I hand you something and say "shake it" you will. You also love to dance! Anytime you hear music, you will start bobbing up and down. The other day at the Mavericks game you started dancing anytime they played music!
You are still a petite little thing! I bought you size 2 shoes and they are too big, you wear a size 2 diaper and wear 3/6, 6/9 month clothes. We go to the doctor Wednesday and I am curious to know your stats!
Abby Paige, you light up our world and make our family so happy! We love you!

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