Monday, March 3, 2014

Dear 2 year old Abby

Well, long time, no blogging!  This teaching and having 2 kids is more than I can handle, but I didn't want this post to go....because I very easily forget things!  So, here goes!

Dear Abby,
How can you already be 2?  In a lot of ways you are becoming my big girl, but I still see my baby a lot of times too.  You love for me to hold you.  I can never resist when you look at me and say, "I want to hold you."  You are such a strong willed indpendant girl.   I know this will serve you well in life, but is does make things a little challenging!  Here are some things about you at 2:
*  You LOVE your bubba.  You try to do excatly what he does all the time.  You repeat what he says and mimic his play.  He's pretty fond of you too.  He is such a good bog brother, so sweet and caring.  Today I stayed home from school with you and when we dropped Carter off at school, you cried for him.  When we went to pick him up you ran up to him so excited.  He held your hand all the way back to the car.  It was the sweetest thing.
*You LOVE the colors pink and "purkle".  You always identify them correctly and when given a choice will first choose something pink and if there is not pink, you will choose purkle.
*WHen you count you say 2,4,8.  I think this came about from hearing Carter count by twos....and not if your counting somethign, that is how you count.  If you want more than one of soemthing (like candy) you will say I want 2,4, 8 of them.
*You talk non stop and can say about anything- you have an awesome vocabulary.
*Love puzzles
*Love to werar bows and have a ponytail or will sometimes ask for 2 ponytails.
*Fav foods: mac and cheese, candy (esp chocolate). Cheese, yogurt
Abby Paige, you are a sweet girl.  I always dreamed of having a little girl, but I could have never dreamed up you!  You are better and I could have every fathomed!  I love you!!

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