Monday, March 3, 2014

Ellie is 4 months!

Miss Ellie is such a great baby!  Here are some things about her at 4 months.
-She is doing a great job with her sleeping.  She usually goes to sleep around 7:30 and will sleep until about 6 in the morning.  She rarely wakes up in the middle of the night and if she does, she just needs her paci to go back to sleep.  That being said, she is still not sleeping in her crib, but in her rock n play.  I need to transition her to her bed soon! She is good about letting me put her down while she is awake and falling asleep on her own. As far as daytime sleeping, she pretty much catnaps as I have her on the go so much.  I really don't have a strict schedule with that yet!
-She is doing a great job with nursing.   She wants to eat every 3-4 hours during the day. She is a quick, efficient nurser, but doesn't want anything to do with the bottle right now..we are going to have to work on that, but I'm lazy about it!
-She drools allllll the time!  Her shirt is always wet from the drool.  She seems to be teething but I sure hope not!  She likes to put everything in her mouth!  She is getting good at grabbing things and then she of course brings them straight to her mouth.
-She can roll both directions from her tummy.
-She loves to be held!  She will tolerate the bouncy seat, bumbo or jumparoo for short periods of time, but is mostly happy when she is held.  I have learned to do a lot of things one handed!
-With that being said, when we are out an about she is so good.  She loves to watch everything that is going on and never wants to miss out on any action!
-She is a super smily baby and I have even gotten a few laughs out of her.  He smile just lights up the room!
-Her favorite part of the day is probably bath time.  She loves to lay in the water and suck on her toes.
-She is still wearing size 0-3 month clothes comfortable. She is in a size 1 diaper.  She still have some hair, I don't think she is going to go completely bald like Abby did.  She does have a blade spot on the back of her head.
And that about wraps up Miss Ellie at 4 months.  I am trying to cherish every moment with my last baby.  She sure is a little doll and we sure do love her!

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