Sunday, January 13, 2008

Eight months, better late than never....

My precious boy turned eight months while we were in Las Vegas. I was sad to miss this special day, but I took pictures 3 days later when we were back. Carter is growing and changing each day, and it seems like he gets more fun each day. It is SO fun so watch him grow and learn. He is becoming such a big boy. He loves to do things for himself. Especially eating! He loves pieces of cut up veggies and fruit, and I would say cheese and bread are his favorites! My albsolute favorite thing he does, are his "love pats". Whenever I pick him up, he will pat my shoulder. He used to reserve this affection for me, but now has started patting everyone he loves! He is such a sweet little man! He has also statred crawling! I love to watch his uncoordinated crawl! He picks his hand up so high with each move forward! This month he is also getting ALL four top teeth at the same time! He is taking it very well though. He is also sticking out his tounge and blowing. He first started doing this at Uncle Colt, but now does it to get everyone's attention. I think it is cute and funny EXCPET when I am feeding him baby food! This eight month has been full of love and fun, and I can't wait to see what more we have to come- hey, that rhymed!

Those teeth feel weird!

pat, pat, pat

I love those chubby wrists!

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