Tuesday, January 1, 2008

Out of town

Kris and I are taking a trip to Vegas leavin g tomorrow, and today Carter woke up with a fever........why do things always work out like that? I think he is just teething and I am sure her will be fine, but now I am really worried. I wasalready aprehensive about leaving him and now this....I know he is in capable hands with my in-laws, but please say a prayer for me! Below are the instructions I am leaving with my in-laws- did I go overboard? :)

Carter’s instruction manual

* I have 14 bags of frozen milk. Hopefully this will be enough as Carter has been drinking milk about 4 times a day. Below is a sample schedule for you to follow as you see fit. Please just use this as a guideline, and please excuse my anal retentiveness about him, typing this just makes me feel more comfortable- it’s just the teacher in me. This is kind of like Carter’s “lesson plans”.

6:00ish- Carter wakes up! If you’re lucky this time will be a little later or if you’re unlucky it may be a little earlier. I usually leave him in his room as long as he is babbling to himself. I get him when he begins to fuss. You may want to get up and get his bottle ready while he is talking. I know you know this, but just a reminder….get a frozen bag of milk and put it in warm water until it is dethawed. Then pour it into a bottle. It doesn’t have to be too warm, just body temperature. After this bottle, he may fall back to sleep for another hour or so.
8:00ish- Carter eats cereal. He likes to play with his fake food while you are making his breakfast. There are jars of baby cereal in the pantry. Take the lid off and warm it up for 15 seconds, then add his vitamins- “Poly-Vi-Sol” 1 ml, and stir it into the cereal. (I just keep the cereal in the jar since he eats it all) After he is finished with his cereal, you can give him half a handful of Cheerios. He doesn’t always eat all of these; I feed the leftovers to the dogs. J
10:00ish- Morning bottle, then morning nap. He usually naps for 45 minutes to an hour. He may fall asleep drinking the bottle, if so, keep the leftovers for an emergency! If he doesn’t fall asleep, just put him in his crib, and he will talk/fuss himself to sleep. There isn’t a need to pat his back or rock him to sleep. It may take him awhile to fall asleep, but as long as he is not hysterical, just let him put himself to sleep.
12:00ish- lunch time! Carter eats one whole jar of veggies (15 seconds in microwave) and a half of a jar of fruit(10 seconds in microwave). Just put half the fruit in a bowl, and save the rest for dinner. After he finishes, you can give him water in a cup and some fruit puffs or, if you’re brave, some banana cut into small pieces.
1:30ish- Afternoon nap time. Give him a bottle, then put him down for a nap, same as the morning routine. He should sleep longer this time!
6:00ish- Dinner time! Give Carter one whole jar of one of the “dinners” (heat for 15 seconds)and a half of a jar of fruit. When he is finished he can have some peas, cut up green beans, pieces of American cheese, or bananas.
7:00ish- Bathtime! After his bath if you notice any red patchy dry places, but some Cetaphil lotion on it.
8:00ish- Bedtime! You can try to read him a book, and the give him his last bottle.

Carter’s Doctor:
Dr. Laurie Berger 972-608-0774
Plano Presby Hospital
Carter weighs about 21 pounds
Infant’s Tylenol- 0.8 ml every 4 hours
Infant Motrin- 1.875 ml every 6-8 hours
Little Teethers oral pain- pea size drop-no more than 4 times a day.
Children’s Benadryl- ¼ tsp every 4 hours

If you think about it………Fenway needs Ottomax eardrops rubbed into her ears twice a day.

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